Just received horrible news..

This is just senseless man. My condolences to everyone involved.
That's incredibly tragic.

The driver must've been plastered or texting, maybe both, to have not seen such a large group of people.

My condolences, TS.
What happened to her. Lost her whole family damn
She moved away about a month later. He was from Texas and she had moved there when they get married. I forget where she was from but she moved back there. I mean it is crazy to think about having something like a kid get killed, but to lose 2, a spouse and parents is more than a person should ever have to take. I would have lost it for sure. Never knew what happened after she left though
Condolences - Some truly disgusting people out there, jepordising the lives of innocent people. I hope justice is swift and severe
My lord.. My condolences... No words can say how bad we feel for you and yours.

All of us have most likely been affected by a DD, and to see others still somehow drive drunk, thinking it cannot possibly happen to them too. Such selfish creatures.
Something about having a kids and a family just makes these things so much harder to read. Legit made me shed a tear for your friend and his family. That's a terrible situation.
Details are still coming out, but..I guess a friend of mine was at a get together at his parents house with his family/siblings/their kids/ect yesterday afternoon, and some of them decided to walk to a nearby park before dinner. On the walk back there was a short stretch with no sidewalk and they had to walk on the shoulder. During that time a drunk driver plowed into the entire group. Currently three of them have died (including my friend and one of the kids), and eight more were injured (including his wife who is on a ventilator/life support and in critical condition). Speaking for his direct family alone, they have four kids..I don't know I'm just at a loss for words right now. Thanks for listening/letting me get that out while trying to process this in my mind.
That's terrible. I am so sorry to hear, man. RIP
What a tragedy. This entire thread is depressing.

Rest in peace, entire family murdered by a criminal cocksucker that was abusing alcohol.

This tragedy reminds me of something akin to The Batman's backstory or Frank Castle's backstory.

Obviously, Frank Castle is The Punisher.
My heart and love go out to you and your circle.
Oh damn, so sorry. Such a tragedy.

I know a lady that was injured while jogging with friends by a situation very similar to this. She is paraplegic now but he spirit is still strong. She has a bad ass four wheel chair that is powered and she went on a 7 mile run with us in the forest. She was crazy as heck and bad ass all the way around.
In these days and times I don't understand why people still drink and drive. The damage you can do in a blink of an eye is horrible. A vehicle is a weapon that will flatten a pedestrian when used against them. Get a Damm uber Lyft etc or if your too broke start walking.
Holy shit, so sorry to hear this. Tragic.

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