just lost my fight by ko

BJJ Coffee Drinker

Amateur Fighter
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
i just had my kickboxing fight. in the first round, i came out aggressive and did great. i got lots of solid shots in. second round cae and i was so overconfident that 20 seconds in, i got head kicked through my jab and the kick hit straight to my neck. i dropped but got back up twice during the ten count but i was done. i remember getting kicked but i dont remember anything after that until i walked out of the ring then things cme back to me. i got kicked directly on the neck and now i feel fine. very small headache, if any at all. this is the first time i got knocked out in this manner. how long should i wait until i start sparring again?
Well who cares you werent actually down for 10 seconds so just say u could have gone on or something, but the ref stopped it. Thats what i'd do, and most fighters with big egos say that as well.
At least a month is reccommended. Its better to err on the side of caution. Even after fights where I haven't got dropped or just heavy sparring sessions I get headaches sometimes. When that happens I give a week off because otherwise I'll get headaches next sparring session.

BTW you prob realise this already but a well thrown jab with the shoulder up and chin tucked would have protected your neck :)
a whole month without training or without sparring? i was just gonna take a week or two of sparring cause i usually don't get headaches from sparring but i probably aint gonna spar for a week or 2
i'd say train but just keep the contact low, probably hit the bag and work your skills and probably see if someone got the fight on tape so you can look at what you did right and what you think you need and can improve on
Well who cares you werent actually down for 10 seconds so just say u could have gone on or something, but the ref stopped it. Thats what i'd do, and most fighters with big egos say that as well.

Lying to onesself is never beneficial. Acceptance of defeat and learning is overall the smarter way to go. Denial is pathetic.
No shame in losing man. I just wish I had the will to get in the ring again.
it just irks me that i was winning so decisively then it just all went away cuz i was cocky and careless and it just took one shot. i am lucky though cause i still get a title shot because the guy that ko me cannot make weight to fight the other dude for the belt. sanshou, what keeps u from going back? is it because of injuries, time, or a bad experience?
Well man, the death of my closest brother a few years ago completely changed my outlook on life...took the fire right out of me.
No desire to compete, not just in sports, but in anything.
Sad, too cause I'm in my prime....
wow, condolences to you friend. hope you can recover soon in time.
what is worse, taking a bunch of punches that don't ko you or one kick that ko'es u cold?
It sounds like the shot you took was to the brachial plexus origin nerve in the neck. If you get hit hard in the side of the neck it timulates this large nerve and can shut things down pretty good. You will be fine to train after getting hit there, it just really sucks when it happens. Do you remember feeling it in your whole body?
Does the organization you fought in have guidelines for this. The better ones do. Did a doctor at ringside check you out.

I figure you are safe to train a few days after a fight but sparring with contact should be held out for a while. That is always the advice I got from organization doctors and trainers etc. Another full on fight should be avoided for 1.5 months or so. Orgs I have fought in have some kind of medical suspension for KOs and TKOs.

It is your brain, take care of it.
If your gonna get in the ring losing is just part of the game...Losing shows you what you did wrong and what you can improve on..Take pride in the fact that you had the balls to test your skills against another man
SanShou said:
Well man, the death of my closest brother a few years ago completely changed my outlook on life...took the fire right out of me.
No desire to compete, not just in sports, but in anything.
Sad, too cause I'm in my prime....
get that bullshit out of your mind. would your brother rest well knowing you're thinking like this? stop using him as an excuse, this is a reason to get in there and bust some fuckin heads while you can.
ASiAnVaLEtUDo said:
a whole month without training or without sparring? i was just gonna take a week or two of sparring cause i usually don't get headaches from sparring but i probably aint gonna spar for a week or 2

No training is fine. I'd just avoid the sparring but if you want to go light after a fortnight then thats up to you. That recommendation comes only from the fact that amateur boxers aren't allowed to fight within 30 days of a ko.
You can train and spar lightly. Just don't do any type of sparing that would involve big head/neck shots for about 30 days.

Congrats on competing, even if you lost you gained good experience.
ASiAnVaLEtUDo said:
it just irks me that i was winning so decisively then it just all went away cuz i was cocky and careless and it just took one shot.

Although it sucks, losing can also be a learning experience and it sounds like you just leaned a lesson :) Like they said, take it easy on the sparring, maybe some light sparring but just avoid a lot of head/neck contact.
Its the ones you lose that you learn the most for

Good job at stepping up (and making this thread)
Greendeem said:
It sounds like the shot you took was to the brachial plexus origin nerve in the neck. If you get hit hard in the side of the neck it timulates this large nerve and can shut things down pretty good. You will be fine to train after getting hit there, it just really sucks when it happens. Do you remember feeling it in your whole body?

it sounds like i got hit where u said only a little higher. right behind the ear and on the neck. i dun remember, i just remember getting hit, dropping, and funny colors. i thought i was laid out for good but people said i got up right after the ten count and started to walk around. i also got checked out by the doctor who shined the light in my eyes and said i was fine. i dun remember this at all. when i got back the locker room, i totally remember everything up to the kick.
Bummer. Learn from it. Did he parry your hand down then throw the kick? I knocked a guy down like that in training on accident; kicked him in the back fo the head.