Jungle Boogie


Sled Pulls (3 plates) 50ft x 8

Yoke Carry (500) 20ft x 10

4 Square HIgh Jumps (32" x 37" x 32" x Backwards ) 4

Flow Jumps over Hurdles (32" x 32" ) 8 rounds

Band Assisted High Jumps (Dual Green) 10 / 5 / 5
High Jump (47") 8

Weighted Rope Curls (25#KB) 30sec x 8
Reverse Planks with Band 30 sec x 3

Heavy Bag Work 20 min
Just a quick update he lost power for a couple of days due to a storm where he lives
Good looking out big bro. Hurricane took a tour straight through the Jungle <lol> Wasn't a terrible one, maybe 80mph burst winds, much calmer than previous years. Took trees out but not buildings. Best part about working all day on recovery is coming home to a hot n dark house & sleeping like shit. Everyone survived, only the mess remains. Love you guys.

9.8 Sun

Air Runner 0.15 mile in under 1 min x 2
DL (225) 2 x 10

Box Jump (40") 10 / 15
Bag On Shoulder Squats (115) 2 x 5 ea side

Hack Squat (3 plate) 2 x 10
GHD Situp 2 x 15

Elbows to Knees 2 x 1 min
Tri Push down (40) 2 x 15
DB Curls (30) 2 x 15

Treadmill 32 min 3mph 12 % incline


5:30-7 p

Treadmill 23 min 3-5mph 15% incline

Double Jumps (32" x 37") 2
Triple Jumps (32" x 37" x 43") 10

Broad jumps to speed back hops
Bars & various jumps 30 min

Lay down / Get up 20



Treadmill 45 min 3mph 12 % incline


9.11 Hurricane Day

Yoke Zercher Carry (150) 40ft x 2 (190) 40ft x 7
Kinetic Ball Rotations 4 x 30 sec

Sled Push / Pulls (3 plates) 40ft x 6

DiY Sand Jugs Carry (85lb each) 80ft x 7

L-sit Pull Ups 6 x 5
50ft Run & Jump Course x 7

Sand Jug Lunges (85) 30ft x 5



No Power - worked 12 hours - forced rest
9.13 Friday

Air Runner 2 x 2 min

KB Swings (36kg) 2 x 20
Box Jumps (40") 2 x 10

DL (225) 10
Up / Down & Jump 2 x 10

Elbows to Knees 2 x 50
Side Plank Crunches 2 x 10 ea

DB Curls (25) 25
Skull Crushes w/ Bag (75) 10 -- awkward don't like em
Skull Crushes DB (25) 2 x 10

Bag pick up & Run (115) 80ft x 6 / 100ft x 5

+ 30 min cleaning sticks & leaves out pool



7 Rounds

3 min Air Runner
10 GHD Situp
10 Hanging Knee Tucks



Training Bag Oblique Leans (80) 2 x 5 ea
Hand High Kicks 3 x 20 seconds

Touch Toes - Kick Back - into Squat & Jump 10 / 5 / 5 / 5 /5
Hands on Box & Jump (44") 5 / 5 (48") 3 / 5 / 5

Rope Climbs 3 / 2 / 4
High Jump to Broad Jump (37") 5 x 5

Alternating Knee Raises 3 x 10

Trap Bar DL (230) 3 (320) 3 (410) 3 (500) 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2/ 2 /2
Bag Pick up & Run (185) 60ft x 12



Forced Rest . Working everyday long hours , losing sleep. Being responsible for body sake.
Good looking out big bro. Hurricane took a tour straight through the Jungle <lol> Wasn't a terrible one, maybe 80mph burst winds, much calmer than previous years. Took trees out but not buildings. Best part about working all day on recovery is coming home to a hot n dark house & sleeping like shit. Everyone survived, only the mess remains. Love you guys.

Just glad to know your ok more than anything!