Jump Rope Training


Aug 31, 2005
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Does anyone use jumping rope as their primary means of cardio conditioning? I bought one a few weeks ago and started using it, most often on days that I'm not lifting. I'm trying to not do so much cardio, because currently I'm tryig to gain some muscle mass.

Anyway, I was looking over at www.rossboxing.com and came across this. Jeez! It made me feel like I was on the playground! Of course, even after about a minute I'm breathing a little heavy. His advice was for 6 X 3 minute rounds. What does anyone here who does use the rope do for a workout?
farmboy said:
Does anyone use jumping rope as their primary means of cardio conditioning? I bought one a few weeks ago and started using it, most often on days that I'm not lifting. I'm trying to not do so much cardio, because currently I'm tryig to gain some muscle mass.

Anyway, I was looking over at www.rossboxing.com and came across this. Jeez! It made me feel like I was on the playground! Of course, even after about a minute I'm breathing a little heavy. His advice was for 6 X 3 minute rounds. What does anyone here who does use the rope do for a workout?

Yes, you should definitely use the rope for rounds. I like to skip for five minutes and then take a minute rest. The next five minutes I repeat the following: three jabs and right crosses, five hindu squats, five pushups, and five crunches. Minute rest. Skip for five minutes. Minute rest. Another five minutes of the squats and what have you. Minute rest. Skip for five more minutes.
I got a new skip rope for Christmas and I have been using it like a mad man. I love skip rope because its a pretty fun workout when you can't get to the gym or anything.
That dude was badass on that video! If I could only skip at half that speed, I'd think I was a badass...
we jump rope before muay thai and boxing classes and sometimes in between, i usually like to skip similar to that video, double unders, double under cross overs, running on the spot high knees, high knees whith crossovers and that razel dazle shit, its makes it more challenging and fun that way, any retard can jump up and down in the same spot for 5 minutes thats just boring.
I used to use it as primary cardio, then I developed shin splints, got pissed off that I had shin splints and starting jumping twice as hard, rested (but not long enough), developed shin splints, got pissed off that I had shin splints and started jumping twice as hard, and now I'm on my 3rd week of recovering my shins again.

Moral of the story: I love jumping rope for cardio, just watch out for shin splints
Any advice for us apparently uncoordinated bums who can't jump 10 times without slapping the rope into our legs?
practice, i also used a leather rope with weighted handles for a while, then after that broke, the speed ropes at the gym were ridiculously easy. And get a rope thats the right size for you, stand on the rope and the handles should come up to your armpit no futher.
I have a really light jump rope and a new one that I got with weighted handles and leather. I'm using this leather one right now, for at least 6 months, so when I get back on the light ones, I'll be god.
This might be a dumb question but, I have a big problem with getting shin splints when jumping rope. When I first started training in my class I just had bare feet (which almost everyone does) but I got shin splints so bad it hurt to walk. So I then started wearing shoes but I still get them, just not as bad. Do I need new shoes or am I doing something else wrong?
BigWayner said:
This might be a dumb question but, I have a big problem with getting shin splints when jumping rope. When I first started training in my class I just had bare feet (which almost everyone does) but I got shin splints so bad it hurt to walk. So I then started wearing shoes but I still get them, just not as bad. Do I need new shoes or am I doing something else wrong?

Stop jump roping or doing any activity that aggrivates it. Stretch, use ice to stop the inflamation, use some anti-inflammatory drugs. Taping your shins helps too. Gradually return to jump roping or whatever.
Reakt said:
...any retard can jump up and down in the same spot for 5 minutes thats just boring.

And I am that retard! lol I just started not too long ago, so hopefully eventually I will get good enough do some of the "razzle dazzle" and mix it up a little.

So, do you guys recommend leather ropes over, say, just "rope" ropes? I guess it's just cloth or some other kind of material that I have.
Try jumproping on a softer surface like a mat or carpet and wear decent shoes. AFter you have built up all those little shock absorber muscles then you should go barefoot or on hard surfaces.
farmboy said:
And I am that retard! lol I just started not too long ago, so hopefully eventually I will get good enough do some of the "razzle dazzle" and mix it up a little.

So, do you guys recommend leather ropes over, say, just "rope" ropes? I guess it's just cloth or some other kind of material that I have.

the rope Ross is using in that video is a plastic speed rope, i doubt you'll get a "rope" rope moving that fast. Leather ropes with weighted handles are good too but are slower and wok out your shoulders and forearms also.
yea i have a rope got it from hibbet sports and i suck but to compensate for my suckyness i do burpees every time i mess up to motivate me to stop messing up.

10 min of jumrope had me fucken winded.
I use the jump rope for about 60% of my conditioning. It's a great low impact wind builder. I usually jump rope for a few minutes and do Hindu pushups or some other form of calisthenics and repeat.
I did 10x2 minute rounds on the skip rope with a minute of bodyweight squats between the rounds. That was a pretty good workout. And yes, the weighted jumpropes really do work your shoulders and forearms.
cruzcontrol39 said:
I use the jump rope for about 60% of my conditioning. It's a great low impact wind builder.

I'm all for jumping rope but it is in no way a 'low impact' cardio exercise. Working definition of low impact cardio: cardiovascular workout without jumping or harsh impact.

Jumping rope is pretty much the definition of high impact cardio. And that's part of why so many people get shin splints from it. I still thinks it's great exercise, it's just not classified as a 'low impact wind builder' is all.
jumping rope is great. I use a thai rope for all of my jumping.

Light handles heavy rope. Kills your feet when you mess up, but that stops you from messing up.

Also, it is a great workout for your forearms. Instead of rotating your arms like a normal rope, you rotate your wrists only.
I started jump roping lately but I fear I have bad technique. Like my arms get tired waaay before I get winded or anything. I'm in decent shape so I'm thinking I'm doing some extraneous motions or something. Is there any correct way to jump rope?