Law Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free

You are coming from the false pretense that he didn't withhold names of informants. The leaker of the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, states otherwise. He told the court that Julian did “everything possible” to redact and withhold damaging information, working with media outlets in the redaction process. He said that Assange withheld 15,000 files from the Afghan War Diary to protect names, and also requested help from the State Department and Defense Department to redact names, but the U.S. government refused to help. In the court-martial of Chelsea Manning, Ellsberg noted, the Defense Department admitted that it could not identify a single death caused by WikiLeaks publications.

Again, it wasn't just about "starting" the war... Have you read, or looked into the Afghanistan Papers? It wasn't just some initial mistake that spiraled out of control, they KNEW throughout the entire process that the war was a big failure and admitted they did not know what the fuck they were doing, but kept going regardless.

Those are the people you should be concerned about, not someone that exposed War Crimes perpetrated by these same people. It's just shifting attention off of the people that SHOULD be the ones getting locked up and put on trial.

Character assassination against Assange is to be expected. How much is true or false will be tough to know, but for sure character assassination is to be expected. People want to hold Assange's feet to the fire more than they want to see Bush and his inner circle punished for their illegal wars of aggression. At least their was a little blowback against that TV show host, her name escapes me, the lesbian bully one, when she cozied up to Dubya.
Yeah, you could have a reckless withdrawal tha gets 13 US troops killed and hands the country to the Taliban with a new $7 billion supply of military weapons.

How many are in prison for that?

Lefties were in favor of Assange and only hate him now because you're mad Hillary lost.

I must have a hole in my memory. What did Assange do that caused Hillary to lose?

It's kind of interesting that when it comes to Europe, the vast majority of politicians against extraditing Assange were from the left which seems to conflict with a lot of sentiment here. And I think that probably holds true domestically, except Hillary who's a bit of a war hawk herself.
Character assassination against Assange is to be expected. How much is true or false will be tough to know, but for sure character assassination is to be expected. People want to hold Assange's feet to the fire more than they want to see Bush and his inner circle punished for their illegal wars of aggression. At least their was a little blowback against that TV show host, her name escapes me, the lesbian bully one, when she cozied up to Dubya.
There is footage of him personally being a big douche out there. You don't have to take anyone's word for it.

For example, he heavily implied, on multiple occasions, that Seth Rich was the leaker and was killed for it, helping to fan the flames of the vile Pizzagate shit, when he knew damn well it wasn't true.
QFT - I guarantee if wikileak leaks published something damning on Trump, none of them would be whining ITT.
Well, he won't even release the RNC emails, so...

Breaking news: The more you act like an asshole, the more people will start to think you're an asshole. Why is this a gotcha in Covfefe Land?

Many people were saying complimentary things about Game of Thrones before Season 8 came out. Then they changed their tune. New episodes came out, and they reevaluated the show. That's not unfair.
Some serious neo-mccarthyist sperging going on ITT lmao

Assange sacrificed over a decade of his life to expose imperialism burning the world but actually he's the bad guy because the volunteer foot soldiers of said imperialism and some traitor informants might be endangered. Can't make this stuff up.
Some serious neo-mccarthyist sperging going on ITT lmao

Assange sacrificed over a decade of his life to expose imperialism burning the world but actually he's the bad guy because the volunteer foot soldiers of said imperialism and some traitor informants might be endangered. Can't make this stuff up.
1. The informants were working with the U.S. Do you think they were bad, and their lives expendable, because they didn't show sufficient loyalty to ... the Taliban?

2. He absolutely has not dedicated himself to exposing imperialism; instead, he carefully curates which leaks are leaked and which scumbags (like Putin) he keeps secrets for. You can't fight imperialism and suck Vladimir Putin's cock at the same time!
Some serious neo-mccarthyist sperging going on ITT lmao

Assange sacrificed over a decade of his life to expose imperialism burning the world but actually he's the bad guy because the volunteer foot soldiers of said imperialism and some traitor informants might be endangered. Can't make this stuff up.

Agree.... It's crazy. It's like the expression "as scarce as truth is, it's supply is often in excess of demand."
Well, he won't even release the RNC emails, so...

Breaking news: The more you act like an asshole, the more people will start to think you're an asshole. Why is this a gotcha in Covfefe Land?

Many people were saying complimentary things about Game of Thrones before Season 8 came out. Then they changed their tune. New episodes came out, and they reevaluated the show. That's not unfair.
I have a hard time believing he had something juicy on Trump/GOP and held on to it to protect them. And even if he was protecting certain people (highly unlikely) that doesn't mean he deserves to be treated the way he was.
I have a hard time believing he had something juicy on Trump/GOP and held on to it to protect them. And even if he was protecting certain people (highly unlikely) that doesn't mean he deserves to be treated the way he was.
It's not highly unlikely; instead, it's highly obvious he's protecting someone like Putin and has been paid by him. I's right out in the open.

Assange promised to publish documents from any corrupt institution that lacks oversight. At one time, he at least gave the appearance of following this dictum. Wikileaks posted material critical of Russia in 2010. But by 2012, Assange was being paid by state-controlled Russian television, who gave him his own show. NOTHING political appears on Russian television without permission from Putin.

Not only did Assange start withholding material critical of Russia, he started attacking people who did what he claimed Wikileaks existed for, if they made Russia look bad. Then, when the Panama Papers were released, he really jumped the shark. He accused reporters of cherry picking documents, and said they were "Putin bashing" and even "North Korea bashing."

Nothing to see here! Which is why journalists involved in exposing the Panama Papers were assassinated with car bombs?