Juilliard Jazz Prof Hears Nirvana For The First Time & Chad Smith Hears Thirty Seconds To Mars For The First Time

Amazing thread TS! Was most amazing one I see all day!

This was a great way for myself to wake up into.

Here is another video, timestamp when she show more skin to give Big Drum Energy (though she not reveal much breast divide, so as to prevent men from falling into #SexualDeviancy)

Everyone has heard fucking nirvana a million times.

It's the same shit as the Rock saying he's eating in n out for the first time.... when he has 2 other videos of him trying in n out for the first time.

Annoying liars.
The nervous laughs gives me the impression that he’s heard in boom before. He looks to be in the age group when Nirvana were at the height of popularity.
I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Most black musicians started out with gospel/church music, doing funk/RnB on the side before jumping into jazz. Him not knowing Nirvana is the same as me not knowing any hip hop/rap.
I call BS on a lot of these “first time”reaction videos. People will do anything for likes these days.

One of the drummers are in the hall of fame.
One is the drummer from Megadeath.
One is the drummer from Red hot chilli peppers.
Its not random people.
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if you teach at julliard and you didn't ever hear Nirvana, you're either a fucking liar or charlatan.

If you are a jazz drummer?
I am on the fence my self. but growing up I had a friend that played classical music (grand piano) the dude was completely lost when it came to modern music.
Chad Smith from RHCP

If you are a jazz drummer?
I am on the fence my self. but growing up I had a friend that played classical music (grand piano) the dude was completely lost when it came to modern music.
jazz music is modern music. it's not like he's given some obscure 17th century flute recital.
jazz music is modern music. it's not like he's given some obscure 17th century flute recital.

So because jazz is modern music he must know Nirvana?

Or you did not get my point?
If you are into a certain music style and maybe even playing you might have piss poor knowledge of other types of musics.
So because jazz is modern music he must know Nirvana?

Or you did not get my point?
If you are into a certain music style and maybe even playing you might have piss poor knowledge of other types of musics.
well if you're a music professor at a reputable school, teaching DRUMS and you don't know Nirvana, you're either autistic or a liar.
EDIT: I see everyone beat me to it.

Yeah Im sure someone who went to julliard has gone 30 years without ever hearing one of the most popular songs in the last 30 years. Anyone who watches videos like this and believes them need to be launched into the sun.

Chad Smith not listening to 30 seconds to mars is much more believable because they are awful but Im sure hes still heard the song somewhere.