John Kavanagh's cryptic tweet about Conor?

Lol, ya' a bit:
That’s a concession, your just mad because I tore your false narrative apart
Like I said no actual proof the kid is his.
Waiting for a dna test
You’re mad I debunked you’re ridiculous view of Conor being gay lol
You'l never have a chance of seeing the test coz your crush Conor won't do it. Just like he won't show the unedited full sparing tapes of getting hammered by Paulie. John just semi-admitted and just called out his pupil Conor to come out of the closet. What do you want more? We all know Conor is a scarred pussy to come out clean. Once weasel, always weasel.
Lol, why u mad brah? You devastated your hero and idol is a gay man? Accept it it's 21. century for G sake.
I have a lot of respect for SBG. Conor may need to step out his comfort zone though if he ever wants to regain that belt.
lol, Conor is a butt-buddy. Deal with it.
This based off of no evidence what’s so ever lol
Keep making shit up.
You'l never have a chance of seeing the test coz your crush Conor won't do it. Just like he won't show the unedited full sparing tapes of getting hammered by Paulie. John just semi-admitted and just called out his pupil Conor to come out of the closed. What do you want more? We all know Conor is a scarred pussy to come out clean. Once weasel, always weasel.
Lol, why u mad brah?
John didn’t say anything about Conor or being gay you literally made that up, the article literally said “ we hear McGregor is open to taking the test” McGregor is fine with the test.
You’re clearly just a delusional hater who’s only source is paulie lol.
This based off of no evidence what’s so ever lol
Keep making shit up.

John didn’t say anything about Conor or being gay you literally made that up, the article literally said “ we hear McGregor is open to taking the test” McGregor is fine with the test.
You’re clearly just a delusional hater who’s only source is paulie lol.

You are a probably that pencil neck geek, Conor nuthugger who has a real world paid job to be his team's PR manager online - doing whatever damage control you can by spinning bs narratives and stopping fires to escalate. I"ve been lurking though your posting history in here, all shilling for Conor. Don't worry nobody buys your shit in here. We all know what's Conor all about. He has been exposed.
You are a probably that pencil neck geek, Conor nuthugger who has a real world paid job to be his team's PR manager online - doing whatever damage control you can by spinning bs narratives and stopping fires to escalate. Don't worry nobody buys your shit in here. We all know what's Conor all about. He has been exposed.
How has he been exposed? Clips? Pics?
Any actual proof other than paulie?
You’re wrong just accept it
How has he been exposed? Clips? Pics?
Any actual proof other than paulie?
You’re wrong just accept it
Exposed as a con man and a fraud on every level. Attacking buses with starved fighters and females by using cold weapons and organizing melee attacks, cheating on his kids mother multiple times documented and God knows how many times undocumented, cheating/treating Pauli unprofessionally in the sparing sessions, throwing bottles at security and opponents (Diaz) hurting people, partying and being close friends with mobsters and criminals that are drug dealers and killers. Hitting judges in different organizations, jumping into octagons and fighting. Do i need to make a thread of his pics with random hookers again? Disrespecting his every opponent, physically hitting them also, insulting Khabib's family, friends, fate and stirring up larger geo-political issues regarding all of that. When being pressured in the cage, folding like a cheap lawn chair and begging for takin it easy on him "it's only a business". Panic wrestling and giving up neck for easy way out by submission loss. Not defending belts. Hiding from Aldo rematch.
Leeching social security by rejecting to work as a plumber and training on that free money, living on gimme money from the state but later refusing to join the fighter union movements and only looking for his selfish ass. Swagerjacking random male models images with exact tattoos and hairstyles, the list of bizarre shit never ends, really. Is this your role model for the young kids that you are promoting here?
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Exposed as a con man a!dPauli unprofessionally in?
What does that have to with being gay?
Conor is pro fighters union but against the bullshit gsp was promoting, gsp was for a FU then the second the ufc gave him what he wanted he was out and it was never heard of again.
You sound like a snow flake. What’s wrong with not being respectful to opponents
Lol at sympathising with paulie
Like I said give me proof his gay or don’t reply
What does that have to with being gay?
Conor is pro fighters union but against the bullshit gsp was promoting, gsp was for a FU then the second the ufc gave him what he wanted he was out and it was never heard of again.
You sound like a snow flake. What’s wrong with not being respectful to opponents
Lol at sympathising with paulie
Like I said give me proof his gay or don’t reply
Screw you kid. I've just exposed you as a paid conor shill and his online damage control PR team. Look at your join date and number of messages, this is your day job. Read again the thread i've added more info, again for the dense people and the cheap seats:

Exposed as a con man and a fraud on every level. Attacking buses with starved fighters and females by using cold weapons and organizing melee attacks, cheating on his kids mother multiple times documented and God knows how many times undocumented, cheating/treating Pauli unprofessionally in the sparing sessions, throwing bottles at security and opponents (Diaz) hurting people, partying and being close friends with mobsters and criminals that are drug dealers and killers. Hitting judges in different organizations, jumping into octagons and fighting. Do i need to make a thread of his pics with random hookers again? Disrespecting his every opponent, physically hitting them also, insulting Khabib's family, friends, fate and stirring up larger geo-political issues regarding all of that. When being pressured in the cage, folding like a cheap lawn chair and begging for takin it easy on him "it's only a business". Panic wrestling and giving up neck for easy way out by submission loss. Not defending belts. Hiding from Aldo rematch.
Leeching social security by rejecting to work as a plumber and training on that free money, living on gimme money from the state but later refusing to join the fighter union movements and only looking for his selfish ass. Swagerjacking random male models images with exact tattoos and hairstyles, the list of bizarre shit never ends, really. Is this your role model for the young kids that you are promoting here?

Conor: "Always stay loyal to your team."
Kavanagh isnt a twitter bitch. He wouldnt talk about his fighters like that on the net. Probably about himself.
Not sure what the tweet is about but Kav is probably one of the biggest twitter trolls in MMA. Most of it is passive aggressive petty stuff though.
Exposed as a con man and a fraud on every level. Attacking buses with starved fighters and females by using cold weapons and organizing melee attacks, cheating on his kids mother multiple times documented and God knows how many times undocumented, cheating/treating Pauli unprofessionally in the sparing sessions, throwing bottles at security and opponents (Diaz) hurting people, partying and being close friends with mobsters and criminals that are drug dealers and killers. Hitting judges in different organizations, jumping into octagons and fighting. Do i need to make a thread of his pics with random hookers again? Disrespecting his every opponent, physically hitting them also, insulting Khabib's family, friends, fate and stirring up larger geo-political issues regarding all of that. When being pressured in the cage, folding like a cheap lawn chair and begging for takin it easy on him "it's only a business". Panic wrestling and giving up neck for easy way out by submission loss. Not defending belts. Hiding from Aldo rematch.
Leeching social security by rejecting to work as a plumber and training on that free money, living on gimme money from the state but later refusing to join the fighter union movements and only looking for his selfish ass. Swagerjacking random male models images with exact tattoos and hairstyles, the list of bizarre shit never ends, really. Is this your role model for the young kids that you are promoting here?

Fucking GOAT post right there Sir!

Take a bow!

It shows the kind of morals people must have to support such a scumbag!
Screw you kid. I've just exposed you as a paid conor shill and his online damage control PR team.
lol at being a paid Conor shill I simply asked for proof he was gay, you haven’t provided any.
I’ve been called a fanboy and hater on these forums for Conor lol. Just give me proof he’s gay
the guy seems to be a good person but Conor should haved moved from there a LONG ass time ago...
Yup for sure kav seems decent enough but not like he made Conor great

Hell Conor only really ever had one great tool and that was his straight left and I’m guessing he’s had that since he was a kid I’m sure he wasn’t taught it
lol at being a paid Conor shill I simply asked for proof he was gay, you haven’t provided any.
I’ve been called a fanboy and hater on these forums for Conor lol. Just give me proof he’s gay
Are you 12? Proof? The proof is in the pudding. The problem is i'm 37 you are probably 14, you have no life experience to judge this. You are just a kid.
Are you 12? Proof? The proof is in the pudding. The problem is i'm 37 you are probably 14, you have no life experience to judge this. You are just a kid.
So you’re proof that he is gay is the fact he has a long term partner multiple kids and potential side pieces that are also female. If Conor is gat somebody would of said something yet you believe paulie right