Joffrey Baratheon=The most despicable character in TV history?


Purple Belt
Apr 28, 2013
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I must admit, I truly hate that kid with all my heart. I've never had so much animosity for any fictional character ever, much less a 13 year old child. He is easily the most despicable POS character I've ever watched on a TV show. He literally has no redeeming qualities. Not only is he sadistic and cruel, he's also a coward. Is there any TV character that could rival King Joffrey in heinousness?

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Joff is the man
If a certain prince hadn't gotten a the golden crown he "deserved" that would have been my choice
Chucky Cheese's
usurper little shit, King Stannis will sit on the iron throne!

One realm, one god, one King!
He does a great job at getting people to hate him.
Joffrey is quite hateable but I did get chuckle when he stole the stool from Sansa's and the Dwarf's wedding. I'd vote for Skyler White though, can't stand her.
Why? He's been pure class through 3 seasons. He's just doing what has to be done.
Nah, he's exactly the same as Robin Colcort from Cheers, and the sheriff in Robinhood men in tights. The only difference really being that back in the 80s they had to imply that a character was slapping women ad murdering hookers, tv today leaves nothing to the imagination.
Could Joffrey be a better leader than Obama??!!? It's possible.

Skyler White is the worst character on tv. Cheating on her dying husband, a man that labored for hours on end in a very dangerous job to provide for her and their children. Despicable wench deserves to be bured up to her neck in sand and then have rocks thrown at her!
