Joe Schilling kicks pervert out of his gym

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if you dont lack comon sense you know. this dude needed his ass whooped before he does this again or to someone that it tramatizes them. i mean if schilling started having a dildo bag check for people who arnt regulars would you blame him now?

you might not like it but sometimes violence is the best way.
I literally said in my post that the mentally ill homeless guy probably deserved to be beaten... my point is that when you are against supposed “police brutality” and beat people yourself you are a HYPOCRITE.
I literally said in my post that the mentally ill homeless guy probably deserved to be beaten... my point is that when you are against supposed “police brutality” and beat people yourself you are a HYPOCRITE.
no you are not. beating someone who dosnt deserve it has nothing to do with beating someone who does. again, comon sense, where is it these days? you are creating hairs to try and split, that arnt there.
Just going to be 100 by saying that if this guy was caught masturbating instead, then he prob wouldn't have gotten the same beat down. You can tell it was the anal play and dildo which really triggered Joe, who most likely is homophobic.

But yh, you still don't go into a public restroom to do this kinda stuff. Just feel like the beatdown was way over the top.
The guy was jamming himself with a dildo at Joe schillings gym,where he has paying customers and children there and you weirdos Are upset at joe?????

fuck is wrong with you people
This is such a typical emotional response, zero thought or consideration, just outrage. So what it was a dildo, what if he was jerking off, but without a dildo, would that be different for you? Using a toy somehow warrants an extra beating? What about the customers/children, what does that have to do with anything?

What some of us have a problem with is the unnecessary beating, I don't see what difference at all it makes if there were children there or if someone was paying money or not. Assault is assault regardless. Kick the guy out/call the police, its really that simple. There is no reasonable argument to defend it. Its not like he was acting in self defense, or defending the children from the perv (that would be different obviously), he literally just beats him up, because he doesnt like what he did. That's literally a fucking crime (where I'm from).

And to the not so smart guys out there who have already brought this up a few times, literally not a single person here is condoning the pervy behaviour or defending his right to do it, that should be obvious to anyone. You still can't attack another person like that, doesn't matter if children were present, what kind of crazy mentality is that. That's literally medieval thinking.
Tbh, I understand the outrage and it is justified.


This man clearly has a mental illness disease and was failed by our poor health care system at an early age which is why his behavior is as it is.

Hopefully the ass kicking taught him a lesson but with these people who suffer from mental health diseases, he needs treatment and not punishment
Just going to be 100 by saying that if this guy was caught masturbating instead, then he prob wouldn't have gotten the same beat down. You can tell it was the anal play and dildo which really triggered Joe, who most likely is homophobic.

But yh, you still don't go into a public restroom to do this kinda stuff. Just feel like the beatdown was way over the top.

People get shot for trespassing in the states. Dude got off easy
What's your take on Brett Kavanaugh then?
Unsubstantiated conjecture from something that happened almost 40 years ago. You know he can legally go after her right? She wasn't able to prove anything other than say it was him. You have to be able to prove things, saying someone did this, someone did that, it's not enough, they had rape kits in 1982, had she taken one and it had bretts dna, he's guilty. Evidence, proof.

They did the same shit with Clarence Thomas back in 1990. Just dirty political tricks.
Lol what’s wrong with this world? I didn’t expect to see this amount of degenerates DEFENDING an absolute pervert...

Should’ve beat him down worse and called the cops to make sure he doesn’t do that kind of stuff anytime soon.

There’s legit kids classes at my gym. I think we would’ve ALL joined in on that beating.

You don't know that's what he's doing though.

You'd have to illegally break into the bathroom to see that. And we know even criminals have a reasonable expectation of privacy in any bathroom, doesn't matter if it's yours. Once they go in, you have to let them finish.


Surely you're trolling..

If you actively break into someone's bathroom, they would have every right to bust down that door and beat the ever living shit out of you..
Did he even call the police afterwards? All this worries for women and children and he just lets the guy go?
Also kinda weird how he says he is ok with homeless people taking shower, yet he waits him to come out while the other guy films it.
The guy should be put in front of court and these knee jerk reactions help noone.

Surely you're trolling..

If you actively break into someone's bathroom, they would have every right to bust down that door and beat the ever living shit out of you..
Joe showed a lot of restraint. He could have seriously injured the guy and rearranged his face. Joe just gave him a few hard body shots. It was pretty mild. Some other guys would have just went completely berzerk. But I highly doubt that homeless guy is gonna be caught anywhere near Joe's place from now on.
Did he even call the police afterwards? All this worries for women and children and he just lets the guy go?
Also kinda weird how he says he is ok with homeless people taking shower, yet he waits him to come out while the other guy films it.
The guy should be put in front of court and these knee jerk reactions help noone.
Cops don't do shit with homeless people in LA. I live here. It's a joke. It's gotten so bad the last 3 years or so. Thats why he didn't call the cops.
Cops don't do shit with homeless people in LA. I live here. It's a joke. It's gotten so bad the last 3 years or so. Thats why he didn't call the cops.
I have no idea how justice works over there so I wont get into that, but what stops the guy from doing it again?
Schilling did the right thing, the hobo won't be doing it again anytime soon regardless of his supposed mental illness.
There, done, he knows the consequences and he knows they could have been so much worse.
I have no idea how justice works over there so I wont get into that, but what stops the guy from doing it again?
What stops the guy from doing it again? Did you not see the ass whooping? That's what's stopping him from doing it again. The cops would just escort the guy off the property and leave him be on the next corner, and he would be free to just walk over there an hour later and do it again. Lol cops don't arrest bums for vagrancy. Even if they trespass a lot of times. Only if they're violent they get taken in.
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