Opinion Joe Rogan on Being Called a Far Right Influencer, "They're Liars!!"

You can clearly see who the two far leftsts are in this thread so far...and not the least bit surprising either that it would be the fake intellectual that runs when challenged and the troll monkey.
he definitely has lots of right leaning opinions as well, i would say from watching him he comes off as more right leaning than left. But I think thats the way most people are, not right down the line either way. But for some reason if you have a handful of opinions that the extreme doesnt like, youre the bad guy.

It's hard not to be right leaning in the current political climate. If you are left leaning and have one opinion that does not conform to the orthodoxy then you are immediately a Nazi and thus right wing. I'm left leaning on many issues(Obamacare for one, which according to the Republicans makes me Leon Trotsky) but because I refuse to humor the delusions of transgender people regarding their claim that they can be whatever gender they want, whenever they want I would be considered right wing on a level with General Franco.

When 'right wing' or 'conservative' becomes an adjective to destroy people then don't be surprised that vindictive, bitter people will invoke it constantly to get their own way.
There's a difference between "conservative speech" and people like Alex Jones. Or at least there used to be. And it's not a matter of censoring or shutting people out: it's a matter of giving them a platform sans scrutiny. Even for people less ridiculous than Alex Jones, like Jordan Peterson, it should (arguably) be the responsibility of the interviewer to vet the guest's claims, familiarize themselves with the subject matter, and be prepared to at least earmark disputable claims, instead of just saying "yeah, yeah, you know I guess that does make a lot of sense."

Seems like your issue is with the less structured nature of podcasts themselves. He's not a professional journalist with a staff of interns fact checking and prepping him. Open platform podcasts are not going to have the checks and balances of more traditional platforms. Its a new medium that allows anyone with a mic and bandwidth connection to host whatever they want.

Rogan is not going to be Morely Safer
Oh dear I would LOVE to watch the video he's referencing where the muslims bitch at the lgbt community. LOL

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that those two protected classes would ever clash...
There's a difference between "conservative speech" and people like Alex Jones. Or at least there used to be. And it's not a matter of censoring or shutting people out: it's a matter of giving them a platform sans scrutiny. Even for people less ridiculous than Alex Jones, like Jordan Peterson, it should (arguably) be the responsibility of the interviewer to vet the guest's claims, familiarize themselves with the subject matter, and be prepared to at least earmark disputable claims, instead of just saying "yeah, yeah, you know I guess that does make a lot of sense."

It's a podcast, he doesn't claim to be a serious journalist, so no in fact he doesn't have to do that at all.
I don't think that's a remotely honest representation of the push back against him. The push back is because he gives a platform to, and serves as a conduit for, charlatans and propagandists that are most often (not always) from the political right.

With that said, I would disagree that he's a "far right influencer," and I've said several times that I actually appreciate Rogan's open-mindedness and willingness to admit his own ignorance and areas of lacking. He doesn't pretend to be an expert or even especially scrutinizing. However, that virtue cuts both ways, as he doesn't really call out his guests when they are dishonest or inaccurate.

Ultimately, I don't think the media (whatever the "media" is) necessarily needs or benefits from having someone like Rogan, but I sure as shit wish that more regular people and voters were like him.

Who would that be?

Brett Wienstein???
He's like Burr. They have conservative sentiments but would claim to be "almost socialist" for careers' sake.
There's a difference between "conservative speech" and people like Alex Jones. Or at least there used to be. And it's not a matter of censoring or shutting people out: it's a matter of giving them a platform sans scrutiny. Even for people less ridiculous than Alex Jones, like Jordan Peterson, it should (arguably) be the responsibility of the interviewer to vet the guest's claims, familiarize themselves with the subject matter, and be prepared to at least earmark disputable claims, instead of just saying "yeah, yeah, you know I guess that does make a lot of sense."

Oh' please, it's the Joe Rogan show. He's a fucking comedian, hosting a glorified shock jock radio show. That's like holding Howard Stern to the same journalistic standards as Mike Wallace.

You just don't like that he has people on you find "dangerous", because they don't subscribe to your particular brand of group think. That's all there is to it.
He's like Burr. They have conservative sentiments but would claim to be "almost socialist" for careers' sake.

Wait so when he states that he wants free education and a universal basic income...you think he's lying because he doesn't want his podcast to start dropping subscriptions?

I'm honestly just trying to flesh out this idea you are trying to share here...
"I'm 1.6% African so watch your fuckin' mouth."

"Dude no wonder you're so...

You're so...


I'm curious on what basis he's labelled right wing. Anyone who thinks so care to back up that claim?

-Being friends with people considered right leaning (Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder)
-2 genders
-criticizing forced diversity in film, saying that Alien in 1979 did it better
-Being against Fallon Fox competing in womens' MMA, and born biological males competing in combat sports in general
-Having both liberal and conservative guests on his show and letting them speak without interruption or "calling them out"

But mostly being friends with some right leaning people, and ignoring all the liberal friends he has and left leaning guests he has had on the show. He defended Tulsi Gabbard on his show when a NYT reporter started bad mouthing her and clearly wasn't familiar with Gabbard (one of the most respected politicians among liberals today).

So guilt by association.
Rogan is not right wing.

But that being said, I could see how someone would call him a gateway to the alt right.

The problem is, he has a variety of guest with a variety of viewpoints and a variety of levels of credibility... and he treats them all roughly the same.

So, let's say you have an internationally reputed medical scholar on one day, and a homeopathic mumbo-jumboer on a couple of weeks later, and you treat them equally, then yeah, you could correctly be called a gateway to "homeopathic mumbo-jumbo" because you are (maybe inadvertently) giving the impression that it is equally credible as actual science.

The rise of "alternate media" in general-- while great in some ways-- has contributed to a is a sort of "Intellectual Flat Eartherism" that has absolutely interfered with our ability to evaluate between competing claims-- even when one flies in the face of objective facts.

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Joe is like most people. He is economically left, and socially conservative.
Seems like your issue is with the less structured nature of podcasts themselves. He's not a professional journalist with a staff of interns fact checking and prepping him. Open platform podcasts are not going to have the checks and balances of more traditional platforms. Its a new medium that allows anyone with a mic and bandwidth connection to host whatever they want.

Rogan is not going to be Morely Safer

God, Morely Safer is such a great name. But I wouldn't say I have a problem with Rogan so much as I appreciate the problems that other people have with him (which I hope I have summarized somewhat accurately).

I actually have always liked Rogan a lot as a person/personality. I don't think I could regularly listen to his show, though not because of any political skew, but because of the baseline of knowledge (in that it seems like he operates with a lot of latent suppositions that need to be challenged).

Who would that be?

Brett Wienstein???

Alex Jones was the one that I referenced, although Shapiro would certainly qualify as well and is every bit as awful as Jones. I'm not familiar with Brett Weinstein.

You just don't like that he has people on you find "dangerous", because they don't subscribe to your particular brand of group think. That's all there is to it.

Of course, I was never going to move you from this ultra-tribalist line. Here we have the very characteristic on which Alex Jones' success persists: persons like yourself who think that anything that is salacious or even politically convenient is only maligned because it's outside of some political orthodoxy, rather than that it doesn't meet basic factual or intellectual standards.

Joe is like most people. He is economically left, and socially conservative.

Hmm, I would say he's the exact opposite. He supported Ron Paul and Gary Johnson. He supports marriage equality, drug legalization, and (I think) contraceptive rights.
I don't listen to Joe that much. Other than Alex Jones, who has Rogan had on who are legit alt-right?

I'm afraid the answer is going to be Jordan Peterson...

It absolutely will be.

Who would that be?

Brett Wienstein???

That is 100% going to be who is cited, in that order.

And of course Peterson is going to be the No.#1 villain, with the most “problematic” and “alt-right” views.
In a crazy way Joe Rogan is a "gateway" to the right because the left has become so extreme that the insanity curve average has shifted remarkably.

Being truly center is relatively right-winged.
God, Morely Safer is such a great name. But I wouldn't say I have a problem with Rogan so much as I appreciate the problems that other people have with him (which I hope I have summarized somewhat accurately).

I actually have always liked Rogan a lot as a person/personality. I don't think I could regularly listen to his show, though not because of any political skew, but because of the baseline of knowledge (in that it seems like he operates with a lot of latent suppositions that need to be challenged).

Alex Jones was the one that I referenced, although Shapiro would certainly qualify as well and is every bit as awful as Jones. I'm not familiar with Brett Weinstein.

Of course, I was never going to move you from this ultra-tribalist line. Here we have the very characteristic on which Alex Jones' success persists: persons like yourself who think that anything that is salacious or even politically convenient is only maligned because it's outside of some political orthodoxy, rather than that it doesn't meet basic factual or intellectual standards.

Hmm, I would say he's the exact opposite. He supported Ron Paul and Gary Johnson. He supports marriage equality, drug legalization, and (I think) contraceptive rights.

Alex Jones is a cartoon character. That should be made VERY evident in his last Rogan podcast.

Explain to me what Ben Shapiro says that has you triggered as labeling him a bad person?
It absolutely will be.

That is 100% going to be who is cited, in that order.

And of course Peterson is going to be the No.#1 villain, with the most “problematic” and “alt-right” views.

Well Peterson is practically Hitler or Milo.
I don't think that's a remotely honest representation of the push back against him. The push back is because he gives a platform to, and serves as a conduit for, charlatans and propagandists that are most often (not always) from the political right.

With that said, I would disagree that he's a "far right influencer," and I've said several times that I actually appreciate Rogan's open-mindedness and willingness to admit his own ignorance and areas of lacking. He doesn't pretend to be an expert or even especially scrutinizing. However, that virtue cuts both ways, as he doesn't really call out his guests when they are dishonest or inaccurate.

Ultimately, I don't think the media (whatever the "media" is) necessarily needs or benefits from having someone like Rogan, but I sure as shit wish that more regular people and voters were like him.
You don't like who he has on his show? Don't watch it. Your assessment is fair, but there is nothing wrong with giving polarizing people a chance to speak, right or left. Hell, Rogan built the fuckin platform, he can do as he pleases with it.

The hard left need to wake the fuck up to the fact that they are LOSERS with the way they try to silence and label people. Their whole schtick is to label, shame and destroy lives. They have been trying this with Joe for a long time and it isn't going to work. Bad times coming up for the psycho hard left. YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED.
Wait so when he states that he wants free education and a universal basic income...you think he's lying because he doesn't want his podcast to start dropping subscriptions?

I'm honestly just trying to flesh out this idea you are trying to share here...