JM Blakely Says Speed Work Is Useless


Gold Belt
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score

As a man whose spent upwards of $500 on bands and chains, I hope he's wrong lmao

Love JM though. He's got a lot of great info and his explanation here makes too much sense to be wrong. So is conjugate/westside all smoke and mirrors? You can hear Dave Tate getting pissed talking to him about it lol
I tend to think it’s useless. You should be trying to move the bar as fast as possible regardless of what weight is on there. It might not actually move fast when things get heavy, but That shouldn’t affect how fast you’re trying to move it.

Accommodating resistance has its place, but “speed work”? Nah.

As a man whose spent upwards of $500 on bands and chains

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I tend to think it’s useless. You should be trying to move the bar as fast as possible regardless of what weight is on there. It might not actually move fast when things get heavy, but That shouldn’t affect how fast you’re trying to move it.

Accommodating resistance has its place, but “speed work”? Nah.

I know. That could have gone on a squat bar. This texas power bar is so whippy that the weights start sliding off a side with anything over 600lbs.
This texas power bar is so whippy that the weights start sliding off a side with anything over 600lbs.

I squatted over 600 on a Texas Power Bar all the time and didn’t find the whip to be much of an issue. Guys squat well, well over 600 on weightlifting bars all the time.

And how would the weights be sliding off if you’re using collars?
speed work is just a way to add volume in a less stressful manner than say 5x5 and is easier to recover from. It doesn't make you faster or more explosive it is pretty much like a density set. A lot of people use it and it works well some it doesn't work so well.
true but lets say you are using 5x5 at 70% you are going to be using more rest between sets because each set will be more stressful now switch that to 10-12x2 with a minute rest you are doing almost the same amount of volume but in a shorter time period(density).

some people end up just turning the speed work into more of a repetition method with the same percentages as the traditional speed work but do like 5x5. Fred Hatfield did something similar what he coined as CAT(compensatory acceleration training) sets
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I squatted over 600 on a Texas Power Bar all the time and didn’t find the whip to be much of an issue. Guys squat well, well over 600 on weightlifting bars all the time.

And how would the weights be sliding off if you’re using collars?
I have shit collars that can't handle the weight. Could also be an issue of the bar being cockeyed on my back. I have compression collars. Have any suggestions for better ones?
I have shit collars that can't handle the weight. Could also be an issue of the bar being cockeyed on my back. I have compression collars. Have any suggestions for better ones?

I always used these.

I tend to think it’s useless. You should be trying to move the bar as fast as possible regardless of what weight is on there. It might not actually move fast when things get heavy, but That shouldn’t affect how fast you’re trying to move it.

Accommodating resistance has its place, but “speed work”? Nah.

Matt Wenning swears by speed work but I feel like he just wants to sell manuals
why would average guy even need to do speed work

different thing of course if you compete in something
Anecdotally im in a paid for barbell group and many of them are using speed work and making good progress even relatively weak people.

I don’t use it myself and probably wont
Speed day seems like just a way to add in training that isnt as intense as a max effort day. Say I do 10 triples with 50% of my bench as fast as possible, then do a 3x5 of an assistance movement, then repetition method with accessories, of course I'm gonna make gains.