So there are many who say he is not a good fighter because "no hands up" and he also does weird shit.
Yeah that is true --- after all, he did get knocked out twice by Alex Pereira.
But what people don't often mention is that he has a ridiculous 97% finish rate
AND doesn't weight cut (208 lbs on fight night).
Those are extremely unheard of in MMA.
In other words, you can conclude this about his state of mind:
1. "I will finish my opponent no matter what. Kill or be killed. My fate will not be decided by judges"
2. "I will fight my opponent no matter what they or I weigh. No excuses"
I wasn't aware of these two traits before UFC 311, but now knowing this, it is very impressive.
This Czech bushido weirdo is the true essence of MMA.
No bullshit, let's fight to the death. Right here, right now.