jds post fight photo, crazy!


Blue Belt
Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
sorry if this has been posted already:


he looks almost unrecognizable, he looks kind of like wanderlei silva. JDS started to get a little overly cocky which i didn't like so i'm glad cain brought him back to earth but he's still my favorite HW. you'll get em next time buddy.
sorry if this has been posted already:


he looks almost unrecognizable, he looks kind of like wanderlei silva. JDS started to get a little overly cocky which i didn't like so i'm glad cain brought him back to earth but he's still my favorite HW. you'll get em next time buddy.

dunno if he can pass the airport check in like that
He was bobbin when he should have been weavin'
sorry if this has been posted already:


he looks almost unrecognizable, he looks kind of like wanderlei silva. JDS started to get a little overly cocky which i didn't like so i'm glad cain brought him back to earth but he's still my favorite HW. you'll get em next time buddy.

Question is: how that left eye managed to stay healthy after 25 minutes of punishment?
How is JDS highly overrated? You have got to be kidding, right?? Have you seen the list of opponents he has beaten? The first fight against Cain was not a fluke. Cain just employed the perfect game plan against JDS. If you take away that pace, then JDS easily wins again. It's the pace and all of the grappling that did JDS in. That being said, if Cain puts that pace on any opponent in the HW division, they will have NO chance to win.

To be honest i always thought JDS was highly overrated and the first fight against Cain was a fluke. But i give him recognition for staying on his fight through the whole 5 rounds after receiving that kind of punishment.
overrated? jds has been dominating the hw division throughtout his whole career and has been fighting the best. him and velasquez are far above the rest of the division in skill level. ya jds got f***ed up but its nothing career ending. because of this, jds will come back with a vengeance and his training camp will be even better.

I like that he is high spirits, class act.

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