Opinion Jake Shields is now a wanna be far right political activist

The guy openly refers to himself as "pro-White". Admits as much in one of the screenshotted tweets in the OP. And we're just going to pretend like thats not "courting white nationalists"

What the hell would courting white nationalists look like to you people?
So if Al Sharpton or similar dudes say they are pro-Black you would interpret that as courting Black nationalists? Madmick was making the point that if you are going to call him that bring some proof.
So if Al Sharpton or similar dudes say they are pro-Black you would interpret that as courting Black nationalists? Madmick was making the point that if you are going to call him that bring some proof.

They did bring proof. All his retarded tweets that are carbon copies of white nationalist talking points.
(this ain't all directed at you hog train. thought your comment was a good jump off point to give my broader thoughts)

It goes beyond even just what the KKK or neo-nazis did. It was society at large that used inclusion or exclusion from "whiteness" as a tool to reinforce racial hierarchy.

"white" has never been defined by anything other than exclusion, i.e., what it is not. Modern day dummies and liars pretend its just white-skin and that's it. But that is never how whiteness was defined. Irish, Italians, Greeks, Jews, were not considered white up until recently. Even still, none of these "pro white" grifters would include white skinned Latinos as part of "white" people. Millions of Asians have white skin - they're obviously not included with "white" people, right? What about all the white skinned blue-eyed people in Palestine and the broader Arab world? None of these pro-white idiots would include them in the group. So that term is still being used on the basis of exclusion. It has nothing to do with white skin.

There is obviously nothing wrong with being proud of your Irish/Italian/German/Polish/Nordic/French/English (ok this one is debatable) heritage. Hell, I'm a socialist/leftist with an "Irish Pride" clover tattoo on my ribs - not once has a single person raised an eyebrow or called it a racist tattoo. Not once, ever. But replace Irish, with white, on that tattoo - and yeah, now it suddenly would be a racist tattoo.

Celebrating/promoting your inclusion in a literally MADE-UP racial group that historically has only ever been used to reinforce racial hierarchy, is obviously deeply fucking racist to anyone that has 5 neurons to rub together instead of only 2.
White gets used in two different ways, firstly as a pan-ethnic term to denote Europeans and their diaspora, and secondly as a cultural term by European groups that have traditionally been living outside of Europe. Nobody ever proposed it means people with literal White skin as obviously someone doesnt lose their ethnicity when they hit the beach for a tan. When Irish, Italians, etc. were conceptualized as non-White its always in the context of the second usage, e.g. Americans considering them outsiders in an American context.

The fact that White identity has historically been used to reinforce racial hierarchies obviously does not make it inherently racist to have White identity. Every civilization has historically upheld their ethnic identity as the golden standard and treated outsiders as barbarians/social underlings. White identity is no more "made up" than any other identity which uses social construction as a part of ethnogenesis, as in ... basically every group ever.
They did bring proof. All his retarded tweets that are carbon copies of white nationalist talking points.
Lots of anti-Semitic talking points and a post about how Hitler actually liked Black people. To me that points more towards someone who just hates Jews, which encompasses many White supremacists but also many other groups.
Lots of anti-Semitic talking points and a post about how Hitler actually liked Black people. To me that points more towards someone who just hates Jews, which encompasses many White supremacists but also many other groups.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

The #1 thing white supremacists hates are Jews. But he's also shit on black people too and tweeted multiple times about supporting a known white nationalist.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

The #1 thing white supremacists hates are Jews. But he's also shit on black people too and tweeted multiple times about supporting a known white nationalist.
Im trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, I liked his fight career. As Madmick asked earlier, did he ever retweet Fuentes going on a White supremacist rant or something similar, or was it just them getting along and both being anti-Semites? To me it seems like Shields spends all day posting on twitter and by this point there ought to have been something that was more than just suggestive.
In so far as he's white and also a nationalist, but no, he's not a Nazi like progressives make him out to be.

He's a paleocon, which is functionally the same thing to them.
Why is hanging out with neo nazis and denying the fucking holocaust?

Do Paleocons do that too?

@Lucas1980 take notes, you need to learn how to weasel out of blatant facts with slippery labelling as well.
White gets used in two different ways, firstly as a pan-ethnic term to denote Europeans and their diaspora, and secondly as a cultural term by European groups that have traditionally been living outside of Europe. Nobody ever proposed it means people with literal White skin as obviously someone doesnt lose their ethnicity when they hit the beach for a tan. When Irish, Italians, etc. were conceptualized as non-White its always in the context of the second usage, e.g. Americans considering them outsiders in an American context.

The fact that White identity has historically been used to reinforce racial hierarchies obviously does not make it inherently racist to have White identity. Every civilization has historically upheld their ethnic identity as the golden standard and treated outsiders as barbarians/social underlings. White identity is no more "made up" than any other identity which uses social construction as a part of ethnogenesis, as in ... basically every group ever.
"Outsiders in an American context" lmao what revisionist drivel is that? That's a really friendly downplaying rewrite of the reality - they were not considered white. GERMANS were not considered white. They were described as "swarthy" as dark skinned. You are rewriting history
Im trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, I liked his fight career. As Madmick asked earlier, did he ever retweet Fuentes going on a White supremacist rant or something similar, or was it just them getting along and both being anti-Semites? To me it seems like Shields spends all day posting on twitter and by this point there ought to have been something that was more than just suggestive.

If someone is dropping n-bombs on Twitter, espouses anti-semitic conspiracy theories, blames everything on Jews, denies the Holocaust, hangs out with a leader of the white nationalist movement, constantly rants about saving Christians, and complains about homosexuals all the time, it's pretty safe to assume they're bigoted no?
White gets used in two different ways, firstly as a pan-ethnic term to denote Europeans and their diaspora, and secondly as a cultural term by European groups that have traditionally been living outside of Europe. Nobody ever proposed it means people with literal White skin as obviously someone doesnt lose their ethnicity when they hit the beach for a tan. When Irish, Italians, etc. were conceptualized as non-White its always in the context of the second usage, e.g. Americans considering them outsiders in an American context.

Used in two different ways... by white supremacists.
"Outsiders in an American context" lmao what revisionist drivel is that? That's a really friendly downplaying rewrite of the reality - they were not considered white. GERMANS were not considered white. They were described as "swarthy" as dark skinned. You are rewriting history
I never said they were considered White, I said the reason they werent were because they were seen as outsiders to the local identity.
If someone is dropping n-bombs on Twitter, espouses anti-semitic conspiracy theories, blames everything on Jews, denies the Holocaust, hangs out with a leader of the white nationalist movement, constantly rants about saving Christians, and complains about homosexuals all the time, it's pretty safe to assume they're bigoted no?
I never saw the N-bombs but the guy is clearly an anti-Semite.
Used in two different ways... by white supremacists.
Both the uses I outlined fall within the standard uses of the term you can find in any dictionary.

From Wiktionary:
  1. (sometimes capitalized) Of or relating to Europeans or those of European descent, regardless if their skin has cool or warm undertones.
  2. (sometimes capitalized) Of or relating to Caucasians (people with white complexion and European ancestry)
From Merriam-Webster:
or less commonly White : of or relating to any of various population groups considered as having light pigmentation of the skin
or less commonly White : of or relating to white people or their culture
e.g. books from the canon of white literature
Both the uses I outlined fall within the standard uses of the term you can find in any dictionary.

From Wiktionary:
  1. (sometimes capitalized) Of or relating to Europeans or those of European descent, regardless if their skin has cool or warm undertones.
  2. (sometimes capitalized) Of or relating to Caucasians (people with white complexion and European ancestry)
From Merriam-Webster:
or less commonly White : of or relating to any of various population groups considered as having light pigmentation of the skin
or less commonly White : of or relating to white people or their culture
e.g. books from the canon of white literature

You claimed white identity isn't inherently racist, that's wrong.

Description of populations as "White" in reference to their skin color is occasionally found in Greco-Roman ethnography and other ancient or medieval sources, but these societies did not have any notion of a White race or pan-European identity. The term "White race" or "White people", defined by their light skin among other physical characteristics, entered the major European languages in the later seventeenth century, when the concept of a "unified White" achieved greater acceptance in Europe, in the context of racialized slavery and social status in the European colonies. Scholarship on race distinguishes the modern concept from pre-modern descriptions, which focused on physical complexion rather than the idea of race. Prior to the modern era, no European peoples regarded themselves as "White", but rather defined their race in terms of their ancestry, ethnicity, or nationality.[1]

lol at befriending a guy like nick Fuentes who thinks a taliban like rule in the USA (based on xtianity) is something to strive for and then not knowing how people come up with befriending Christian nationals. Fuck me.