Elections Italy to vote for Far Right Conservative fascist leader

To be fair while Renzi (former left Italian premier in 2014) was one of her rivals, but not main one

Her actual main rival Enrico Letta (leader of Partito Democratico) based indeed whole campaign doing pretty much nothing more than pointing finger at her and screaming "but teh fascism!" completely unaware of what italians wanted from a new government

Dude is rare mix of empty left rethoric and lack of charisma, decent result of PD (2nd most voted and only leftwing party in top 4) have nothing to do with him and pretty much everything to do with PD being the big eftwing option for left people to vote against Meloni

To give perspective this guy on first days as PD leader tweeted some inspirational and intellectual shit like

"Ancient Romans were so wise that elected the great #EmperorClaudio, the first #foreigner #Emperor. They was so smart and good at integrate!"

Except Claudio was'nt at all a foreigner, son of two italic parents (from ancient noble families of Rome) and of course roman citizien, just born in south of Gallia (France) because father was doing military campaign in that moment

So got roasted and gone like

"eh guess history experts* are correct, #EmperorClaudio was'nt foreigner but he came from outside and anyway #foreigner still good"
*like have whoever can click on wikipeda

Only to get roasted harder

As random this shit is, give you the picture of the guy awareness lol

Now he's going to resign and his party already looking for better substitute, wich tbh could mean anybody

So he was trying to justify flooding the country with immigrants? Empty Left Rhetoric?

lol... Dude sounds like Gavin Newsom
Btw Meloni still have to put ass on the seat and EU is already trying to build up reason to bitch against new government lol

Few hours ago EU commission declared that welfare system and specifically Reddito di Cittadinanza* should be reinforced, spending more money on it's infrastructure and even enlarge the audience for it

One of main points of Meloni's campaign was to "modify" (aka cripple) RdC to make that only who really needs it can get the money, essentially to be less parasite friendly, while on other hand try to enourage companies to hire more people

*huge billions welfare system made up by 5 Stelle, wich achieved
-huge hole of money
-huge amount of parasite frauds
-nothing to increase occupation
-lot of people even not searching/accepting regular jobs, because parasite+unreported job (if not crime lol) = more money
-boost of votes for 5 Stelle (shocking i know, who would have thought tons of free money win votes)

To give an idea RdC system is so shitty that even leftwing parties say it's shitty, and basically nobody but 5Stelle defended it since it's creation in 2019

Nor anybody from outside in 4 years ever bothered say "hey Italy, fix that crap pls"

Until today, today EU discovered it and found it so awesome that deserve a power-up

I remember they said Austria elected a far-right leader then he turned out to be moderate
When you are so far from the middle, people in the middle look extreme. It's all about perspective.

To use an anecdotal example. I used to have a friend, back in 2014 we both did political compass tests. Both of us turned out to be pretty much in the exact same spot. Just libertarian and just left of center.

Over the years we started getting drawn further and further apart on dumb political and social issues. Nothing too important, I just became more and more fed up with social justice stuff while he got more and more into it.

In 2019 we were having one of our arguments when he told me that I had become "radicalised."

I disputed this and offered for us both to retake our political compass tests, and we did. My result was that I had become slightly more libertarian and less authoritarian, but had switched from just left of center to just right of it.

My friends' had gone the other way. His has gone from just left of center to waaaaaaay further left. To the point where he was nowhere near the center anymore.

He called me the radicalised one, when my result was that I was actually closer to the center than I was in 2014.

From his far left perspective even my 2014 results which were still on the left, he still would have thought I was an extremist because that's how far gone he had become.

We ended up falling out for good over the Kyle Rittenhouse thing lol, we were already on shaky ground over BLM but the Rittenhouse thing killed our friendship for good.
When you are so far from the middle, people in the middle look extreme. It's all about perspective.

To use an anecdotal example. I used to have a friend, back in 2014 we both did political compass tests. Both of us turned out to be pretty much in the exact same spot. Just libertarian and just left of center.

Over the years we started getting drawn further and further apart on dumb political and social issues. Nothing too important, I just became more and more fed up with social justice stuff while he got more and more into it.

In 2019 we were having one of our arguments when he told me that I had become "radicalised."

I disputed this and offered for us both to retake our political compass tests, and we did. My result was that I had become slightly more libertarian and less authoritarian, but had switched from just left of center to just right of it.

My friends' had gone the other way. His has gone from just left of center to waaaaaaay further left. To the point where he was nowhere near the center anymore.

He called me the radicalised one, when my result was that I was actually closer to the center than I was in 2014.

From his far left perspective even my 2014 results which were still on the left, he still would have thought I was an extremist because that's how far gone he had become.

We ended up falling out for good over the Kyle Rittenhouse thing lol, we were already on shaky ground over BLM but the Rittenhouse thing killed our friendship for good.

You just summed up the entire Democrat party... Going so far left as to start calling out Liberals as "Far Alt Right". Not realizing they're the morons who have joined the Far Left Cult.

This thread is a great example...

I posted it early last year when we first started hearing Democrats start to erase women.... Calling them "Birthing Persons" and promoting trans as "Real Women".

The typical lefty dopes tried to downplay it and say it was just outrage porn and that shit wouldn't catch on. Lol... and here we are.

Yelling wont be helping her if she doesn't get anything done on the national level like immigration issue, garbage issue.. Yes garbage is still a problem in Rome...
And other cities and why Italian liberals in those cities haven't done anything about it..

Some blame the Mafias for it.
She certainly gives off that fevered lunatic vibe.
That's exactly why i'm not sold on her and did'nt voted, this kind of gimmicks may be good to fire up a "small" local crowd, but are going to be an absolute weakness on international level, specially considering there are going to be bunch on nations + EU boycotting her, and she just give them free ammos

Most of people outside Italy will just see a well picked compilation vid of her crazy moments and would never tell she's actually the most well spoken politician here, actually the only that come prepared for journalists traps and roast them back with actual logic, rather than close in defense using some babbling rethoric

Even in this delirant speech, if one focus just on words she's spot on at call out France's hypocrisy and role in Libya destruction/immigrant crisis... years after entire Europe (including french people) still have to eat the effects of France (+Obama) destroying the nation that was the only effective barrier against mass invasion from NA
If facts are exposed France have no high horse to stand on

Problem is she ruined it to play that loud role, guess because either vanity of see bunch of people getting hyped up, or because as a woman that want to play super stronk right leader she feels the need to overcompensate... whatever it is the reason, that side is going to be a disaster as soon enemies will realize that they don't need to have better arguments, when they can just paint her as a loud crazy woman and people will see it that way

To be fair that piece i think was of some years ago, hope she realize with new role these gimmicks would mostly backfire

It's a curious situation, either she big fuck up and the club of cunts manage to paint her as the crazy lady of the neighborhood that deserve to be thrown out even if elected (and maybe somehow replace her with PD, so close to "EUropean values"), or she manage to don't give them more crazy material and expose them for the shits they are wich could be popcorn moment, because lot of europeans outside Italy may agree

I'm not optimistic
But tbh i'm not optimistic on general about European continent, don't buy Meloni is going to be the magic solution
Oh, I get it... Being on the right means she's fascist, duh...

Classic, lol

I don't think she is a Nazi, but lol @ the irony of this twitter chud self proclaimed right winger just calling the former PM a "lefty" as a bullshit claim to gin up some "even the commies don't think she is a far right winger!" line that every hard right culture warrior is dogwhistled to defend. Matteo Renzi union busted leading a centrist party and was always a center party loyalist.

It's almost as if hyperbolic culture warrior retards lie to serve themselves by branding people as extremists to score points...