International Islamists behead more than 50 people on football pitch

This is called WW3 or armegeddon.. As a result 6-billion would die due to massive nuclear winter

Whoa. I didn't say to make glass out of sand. I said flatten Mecca - Rome tore down the Jewish Temple and emptied Jerusalem without nukes.
On this we agree. The saying violence begets violence holds true. While an excellent album, kill em all is a terrible idea. A terrible waste of human potential, a self fulfilling prophecy, a perpetual motion machine of hate, gaze long into the abyss.., however you want to look at it, that attitude will erode our humanity.

I'm not saying giving up on fighting evils is the right answer (it isn't, and I don't have one), but you can't defeat something you perpetuate.

So we will offer the people beheading civilians and tearing their limbs from their bodies milk and cookies instead of war and they'll see the error of their ways.

Under ever "civilized" code of war these people are guilty of crimes against humanity and would be sentenced to death.
Find and merc these dudes, the people that fund them, and set an example, for all religions (looking at you, American Evangelicals) that the weaponization of religion has no place in secular society. Bow down to whatever idols you wish, put your hope in them, and do it in the house. Let it leak out into the streets and now we have a problem.

There is no place in modern society for people who believe in magic, angels, a pending apocalypse, miracles, the speaking of tongues, 8-armed hermaphrodite gods, etc and etc. The only religion that makes sense in terms of compatibility with modern society is Laveyan Satanism, which is anti-religious and humanistic. And that's some shit.
I said it in another thread not too long ago. Satanism's looking better and better every day.
We haven’t lit that many people up with drone strikes since the Obama administration
Drone strikes escalated under Trump.
I know what Mecca is, but the alternative is for the rest of the world to convert to Sunni Islam - and that ain't happening.

You say it will radicalize more Muslim - I say it will neuter the radical clerics by breaking their authority.

And really is it the west's fault that the Islamic communities can't/won't reign in those radical elements before it gets to that point?

I didn't call for anything against innocent civilians so don't get your panties in a bunch. The Romans didn't wipe out the Israelites when they tore down the Jewish Temple so I see no reason we would to pull down the Kabaa and raise Mecca.

So give ISIS the Levant and they'll quite killing people? GTFO
I doubt we'll see eye to eye here so let's just agree to disagree.
Whoa. I didn't say to make glass out of sand. I said flatten Mecca - Rome tore down the Jewish Temple and emptied Jerusalem without nukes.
Pakistan can respond with nuclear
So we will offer the people beheading civilians and tearing their limbs from their bodies milk and cookies instead of war and they'll see the error of their ways.

Under ever "civilized" code of war these people are guilty of crimes against humanity and would be sentenced to death.
No man. I'm not Scandinavian so I know pacifism and head in the sky thinking doesn't work.

Neither would attacking Mecca. Even lunatic Islamists wouldn't go crazy in the Vatican as foreign aggression in either place would kick off something uncontrollable.
Somebody find Ja Rule so we can make sense of this.

Drone strikes escalated under Trump.
Legit curious about this. I know they hit that Iranian general but the media hasn't been reporting drone strikes like the Obama years. Did they really increase with Trump?
You’re an idiot, if they are willing to do that to their own, what will they do to the infidels?

There is zero evidence anything happened other besides, supposedly, some government officials' claims. With ISIS its easy clickbait money because you can virtually make up anything about them and everyone would believe it.

The MSM is fake news remember
I enjoy arguing but you're right, what's the point? Besides, apparently its a sin in Islam to argue for the sake of arguing.

Well said but also, what happened to the silent treatment? Or is this the part where we kiss and make up?
Bald1 is the most adorable piggy <3
So they cut the heads off and dismembered the bodies and scattered them in the woods but they found the remains of 20? In an area of 500 square meters? So they gather the people together in the stadium and cut them up then spread the remains over a large area. This just seems like a bit of a fable. Might very well be true but something seems fishy.

The authorities only found out because of body parts in the woods? You would think there would be a lot of blood on the football field.

I can't take this seriously, just seems like a made story.

It's just seems like fiction. They cut the bodies up in a stadium but scatter them over a huge area in the woods, cut 50 up but find 20? Are there any pictures of the blood stained football pitch? It seems like a lot of work to go to for killing people. Just seems like BS.

Wouldn't there be a horrific amount of blood on the pitch? Why would you cut people up there then scatter them in the woods? What kind of vehicle would you use to load up body parts from 50 people and how would you go about scattering them in the woods? Seems like fan fiction.

Are there pics of the fifty decapitated?

I still am wondering why there are only reports and no photos. 50 killed on a football pitch and no-one has a cell phone camera? Just seems hard to believe.

9 pages in and 6 posts later @HomeCheese still trying to figure out if the story is real. Is there pictures? Why arent there pictures?
This time next year he will have an opinion om what happened.

Let me help you out homie
Not sure if you know this but Mecca is the holy city for all Muslims, not just Salafists, so leveling Mecca would just confirm all the worst CTs Muslims have about the West and would only radicalize Muslims even more.

You're stating that leveling a city of innocent civilians would stop radical Islam so yes you are condoning violence. I didn't hand out an infraction because it was in response to a question I asked of you but next time I will so try not to break the rules in the future.

Every country has local economic/political issues that need to be dealt with on a case by case basis that tends to fuel the extremism. For instance, Indonesia had a separatist Islamist insurgency in Aceh and when they granted the province autonomy the insurgency ended.
Gotta destroy that Muslim Cube imo, can’t that be done without harming innocents?
No man. I'm not Scandinavian so I know pacifism and head in the sky thinking doesn't work.

Neither would attacking Mecca. Even lunatic Islamists wouldn't go crazy in the Vatican as foreign aggression in either place would kick off something uncontrollable.

It's already kicked off; just at a slow pace.