Elections Is Trump's Abortion Flip-Flopping Dampening Evangelical Enthusiasm?

How should Trump handle abortion pressure?

  • Appease anti-Choice base

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • Support more liberal state abortion laws

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Try to avoid the issue

    Votes: 17 56.7%

  • Total voters
Does not mean he is liked and both the Dems and Repubs are acting dumber than they used to act on the biggest stage with the Repubs being innovative on the state level.
In some respects I think Trump is obviously highly vain and ignorant but I also think you can put some of his success down to understanding political messaging better.

A lot of the political establishment does I think tend to operate in a bit of an echo chamber, it perhaps overestimates how effective being able to expose inconsistency and dishonesty is were as Trump seems like he either understood(or perhaps lucked onto) the reality you can put out very mixed messages and hope different groups will pick up on what they like and disregard what they don't.

That kind of popularism I think you could argue was naturally less popular in western politics(for obviously reasons post WW2) but has taken off with people like Trump and Johnson, arguably its spread to centralists as well who often do the same thing these days.
Maybe but what are they going to do? Vote for Kamala? I guess they could just not vote for him but I think they know they have a better chance of getting what they want with him than with Kamala who could possibly fuck up the progress they've made.
And screw the 12 year olds as well right? Regardless of the incest, you're happy with a 12 year old being forced to give birth?

And screw the expectant mothers who WANT to give birth, who planned to be pregnant who are being screwed out of the possibility of having children in the future because some wacko states are saying a baby that won't survive is more important than their healthcare.

You're fucking absurd.

No, Cuffs.

My post is was intended to convey extreme situations create terrible general case law.

General case should be derived from general circumstance, not the extremes.

Let me put this another way; how many abortions are performed a year, and how many of those were the result of incestuous rape and/or molestation?

What percentage do you imagine? In all seriousness, do you think this is even 1%? One-half of one percent? Less?

You want all abortion law based upon an extraordinarily rare fringe? I wonder how many other laws you would feel this way toward? I'd wager I could find at least a half-dozen that you would change your stance on, with any honesty.
Maybe but what are they going to do? Vote for Kamala? I guess they could just not vote for him but I think they know they have a better chance of getting what they want with him than with Kamala who could possibly fuck up the progress they've made.
Disgust is a thing and it builds up.
So are any of you MAGA-doggers going to post proof of after birth abortions that Trump says is now happening that he says at every rally now.
Is Trump knowingly lying because he knows his dumb base will believe him or Trump like any other 80 year old and will believe any bullshit he reads on the internet.

Well, I've never voted for Trump (or any Republican for that matter), and I would certainly never label myself as "MAGA", but I can offer a reply, if you are interested?

If you are, I'd like to offer an article from 1981, LONG before Trump or his supporters ever entered the political mainstream:

The Dreaded Complication

I should warn you, this is an ugly situation, with ugly results. You many not want to read.

TLDR: The estimate is nearly 1 per day are "live births", that are "disposed" of.

What happens today? From 2013:

Depends on who is in the room ...

I'd like to see what people would say to Melissa Ohden:
Melissa Ohden, testimony

Or Gianna Jessen:
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Maybe but what are they going to do? Vote for Kamala? I guess they could just not vote for him but I think they know they have a better chance of getting what they want with him than with Kamala who could possibly fuck up the progress they've made.
They could sit it out but it's not like trump cares much about each judge he nominates for a seat to dig in to their politics and rulings. He just has the heritage foundation and right wing groups do that. They hand him names and he nominates them. That's why they'll vote for him.
Well, I've never voted for Trump (or any Republican for that matter), and I would certainly never label myself as "MAGA", but I can offer a reply, if you are interested?

If you are, I'd like to offer an article from 1981, LONG before Trump or his supporters ever entered the political mainstream:

The Dreaded Complication

I should warn you, this is an ugly situation, with ugly results. You many not want to read.

TLDR: The estimate is nearly 1 per day are "live births", that are "disposed" of.

What happens today? From 2013:

Depends on who is in the room ...

I'd like to see what people would say to Melissa Ohden:
Melissa Ohden, testimony

Or Gianna Jessen:

Saline abortions aren't used in the US or Canada anymore, because they have a higher fatality rate and more health complications

When other abortion methods became popular, hypertonic-saline-induced abortion procedures fell out of favor because they were riskier, more complex, and less effective than other methods.

Between 1972 and 1981, the mortality rate of instillation methods was higher than for D&E procedures.

Instillation methods led to 9.6 deaths per 100,000 procedures, while D&E procedures had a mortality rate of 4.9 per 100,000 in the same time period.

In 2019, the mortality rate for all abortion procedures was 4 per 100,000. Nearly all these mortalities were the result of illegal abortion services.

Compared with other methods, saline abortions:

  • had a higher risk of causing health complications
  • took longer to perform, often requiring overnight hospitalizations
  • caused more physical discomfort
  • were less effective (the pregnancy was more likely to continue — that is, the abortion did not work)
The health risks of hypertonic-saline-induced abortion include:
As a result, safer methods like vacuum aspiration and D&E replaced saline abortions.
I don't see how stories from the 1970s and 1980s are relevant to Trump's more recent rambly-ass campaign speeches.
No, Cuffs.

My post is was intended to convey extreme situations create terrible general case law.

General case should be derived from general circumstance, not the extremes.

Let me put this another way; how many abortions are performed a year, and how many of those were the result of incestuous rape and/or molestation?

What percentage do you imagine? In all seriousness, do you think this is even 1%? One-half of one percent? Less?

You want all abortion law based upon an extraordinarily rare fringe? I wonder how many other laws you would feel this way toward? I'd wager I could find at least a half-dozen that you would change your stance on, with any honesty.
Who even knows? This is why privacy considerations play into the right. Making abortion illegal necessarily involves a great deal of gov't intrusion into areas that the gov't has no business. This is a classic failure of the GOP to remember Chesterton's Fence.
Saline abortions aren't used in the US or Canada anymore, because they have a higher fatality rate and more health complications

I don't see how stories from the 1970s and 1980s are relevant to Trump's more recent rambly-ass campaign speeches.
And Crows is also dishonest as hell. Constantly makes crazy claims and refuses to source them, and denies his very obvious political leanings.
Trump Bible >King James Bible.
King James became King because his father was King. Trump became rich and powerful with only a small million dollar loan from his father. Trump is self made, just ask him.
So using MMA math
Trump>King James and even LeBron James.
Uh huh.

So when trump not only loses this November, but does terrible among women, what will you chalk that up to?

Just get ahead of it now so it doesn't sound awkward when you have to make up an excuse later.
Stolen election by Deep State, All-Powerful, know steals a’ comin but tech incompetent repubs can never stop it , Dems of course ! Daddy will blame rigged election as always.
No, Cuffs.

My post is was intended to convey extreme situations create terrible general case law.

General case should be derived from general circumstance, not the extremes.

Let me put this another way; how many abortions are performed a year, and how many of those were the result of incestuous rape and/or molestation?

What percentage do you imagine? In all seriousness, do you think this is even 1%? One-half of one percent? Less?

You want all abortion law based upon an extraordinarily rare fringe? I wonder how many other laws you would feel this way toward? I'd wager I could find at least a half-dozen that you would change your stance on, with any honesty.
Do you feel the same about instances where the woman's life's in danger and they're turned away and have to flee to another state? Even if there's a possibility the foetus might survive but she might not, and at best she won't be able to concieve again? When she wanted the current baby?

But you're a monster if you think 12 year olds should have to carry their father's child. And fucking hell yes there should be exceptions put in place for that. You want the gene pool being fucked up with that?