Is this shit for real?!? (this is horrific if you do BJJ)

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Te(V)plar said:
Yes, that is a scam but hardly unexpected. In any field there are going to be scammers. People have to be smart shoppers. You just have to research where you train before comitting to anything. When I started grappling I considered going to several different places. I ended up attending all of them at least once. That way I could known who were the McDojos and those who didn't know what they were doing (and to avoid them). But that is true with everything and not just BJJ.
Sigh... I guess it was only inevitable that it would eventually come down to this.
my school doesn't have belts, actually, the BJJ/MMA at my school is actually an afterthought to the actual muay thai school, but the instructor has trained extensively in wrestling and BJJ, as well as having fought in actual MMA fights.

What exactly is the point of a belt anyhow? If you can beat most people at your school, do you really need a belt to tell you that? Belts are really only worth anything within the same organization anyway... if anything, the belt system is the entire basis of a bullshidojo. do what muay thai does, get rid of the belt system and prove yourself in the ring. considering that BJJ's focus is mainly on randori, prove yourself through that, not a belt.
paulchu said:
my school doesn't have belts, actually, the BJJ/MMA at my school is actually an afterthought to the actual muay thai school, but the instructor has trained extensively in wrestling and BJJ, as well as having fought in actual MMA fights.

What exactly is the point of a belt anyhow? If you can beat most people at your school, do you really need a belt to tell you that? Belts are really only worth anything within the same organization anyway... if anything, the belt system is the entire basis of a bullshidojo. do what muay thai does, get rid of the belt system and prove yourself in the ring. considering that BJJ's focus is mainly on randori, prove yourself through that, not a belt.
Dude, according to the system this guy is peddling, you can be ready to teach BJJ at your school WITHIN A WEEK! wtf? NOT COOL.
I've heard Laurita was a purple under Megaton but left and bought his belt from Morreira. Don't know if there's truth to that but this bullshit lends some credibility to it.
I really hope some upper tier BJJ dudes call this guy out and put him in his place.
Lobo said:
I've heard Laurita was a purple under Megaton but left and bought his belt from Morreira. Don't know if there's truth to that but this bullshit lends some credibility to it.

Lobo - What more do you know that you could tell us brother? As a brown belt, you've taken BJJ pretty seriously here in Sourthern California. Surely you've heard many stories about Joe Moreira, talking smack about his grappling events, and questioning his handing out of black belts. This surely isn't the first such charge. What can you tell us?
Sherdoggers should take a stand and if some TKD school puts up a sign saying they teach BJJ everyone from sherdog who lives in that area should go to that school, take the free class, and destroy the instructor infront of his students.
Sweet now I can open up that school Ive always wanted...j/k

WOW... Just wow. But you cant say that this wasnt ever gonna happen.
what springs to mind is showing up for the first class and being asked a series of questions. like, "have you ever done bjj?" or, "are you an experienced grappler, if so, for how long?" like a jury pool and if you answer wrong, they say "um, sorry, this is for more of a beginner in the art.".
codysweet02 said:
Sherdoggers should take a stand and if some TKD school puts up a sign saying they teach BJJ everyone from sherdog who lives in that area should go to that school, take the free class, and destroy the instructor infront of his students.

I was thinking the same thing. I'd like to check out the academy in Hutto, TX that offers this BS just for shits and giggles... Na, just kidding, I'd rather train at my real academy...
Seriously, I'm hoping there is some backlash to this and the BJJ world can self-police itself to maintain its integrity.
honestly if i ever hear about this happening around here i will get some guys together from my club go and act as new students to the club.. beat everyone there and hurt the instructor. As i leave ill spit on the mat.
So now you have to be aware under which Association you train...
This isn't much different than Royce Gracie Affiliation. Royce makes you buy a package of books and DVDs, a Blue Belt, and you are now a Royce Gracie Affiliate School. Someone on here got a Blue Belt from Royce at a seminar, and he trains without an instructor. This guy could potentially start his own BJJ school.

Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Network (RGJJN
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