Movies Is The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction the two best movies in the last 30 years?

Is The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction the two best movies in the last 30 years?

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The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Any other movie better than these two since 1994?

Pulp Fiction is not highly rated to me, but I know it's highly rated by many on here.

As for The Shawshank Redemption, there is no film better than it in the past 30 years imo.


Shawshank Redemption yes Imo.

Pulp Fiction, as much as I enjoy it no, it's not for me
Might be in the minority but i don't think pulp fiction belongs on that same level. Cool, quotable movie but not a masterpiece.

Shawshank for sure top 2 in the last 30 years.
While they may be GOATed, there have been many good movies since then.
Uma Thurman is soo fucking ugly. Couldn't vote. Shawshank should not even be mentioned with that garbage pump fiction.
I might be thinking of Kill Bill or w/e that shit movie was called. But still, I would pick Shawshank and Forrest Gump over pump fiction.
The Shawshank yes, Pulp Fiction not even in Top 250.
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If you think those are the best two movies of the last thirty years then it's been a while since you last watched Freddy Got Fingered.
Legit in my top 5 comedies. People still don't get how smart of a film it is, took the piss out of the whole movie industry.