Is Taylor Swift the most overrated artist of this century?

Don't know her music outside a few tracks but read not too long ago an article on ticket sales (and how they're changing across cinema and music).

The read featured her and mentions her reputation for being one of the hardest workers in the industry, never not giving 100 on stage for her fans tour after tour – full set lists in overtime, pushes through cold and rain, is decent to stagehands, practises hard et cetera. All this plus being easy on the eyes can only contribute to a pop culture aura, I have to think.

Vox-wise she's standard fare – but that's only part of the equation in pop stardom. Folk music, IMO, has long had the better singers, songwriters, and musicians – like Jewel, who does all three while also leaning pop. Anyway, I think Swift having a blue-collar work ethic and not going full diva is commendable; she makes for a better role model to girls nowadays than whatever other oddities recent times have produced.
Taylor Swift isn't really my cup of tea but she's not down right terrible where if I went over to someones house and they were playing her music I would want to rip my ears off like as if I was listening to U2 or The Dave Matthews Band.
Nah. She's written, sang, and performed instruments on top 10 and even #1 chart topping songs. Choose to like, dislike, or be indifferent to her and her music if you want, but she's legit talented and deserves recognition for not simply singing in auto tune over some studio beats like many of today's artists.
If you ever spend some time in the midwestern US; we have a term here “basic horse girl”

This pretty much sums up Taylor Swift
cute skinny white girl. She likes Jesus an America too, prob.
If you ever spend some time in the midwestern US; we have a term here “basic horse girl”

This pretty much sums up Taylor Swift
cute skinny white girl. She likes Jesus an America too, prob.

If she likes guns and dogs as well, I'm proposing marriage. ;)
Don't know her music outside a few tracks but read not too long ago an article on ticket sales (and how they're changing across cinema and music).

The read featured her and mentions her reputation for being one of the hardest workers in the industry, never not giving 100 on stage for her fans tour after tour – full set lists in overtime, pushes through cold and rain, is decent to stagehands, practises hard et cetera. All this plus being easy on the eyes can only contribute to a pop culture aura, I have to think.

Vox-wise she's standard fare – but that's only part of the equation in pop stardom. Folk music, IMO, has long had the better singers, songwriters, and musicians – like Jewel, who does all three while also leaning pop. Anyway, I think Swift having a blue-collar work ethic and not going full diva is commendable; she makes for a better role model to girls nowadays than whatever other oddities recent times have produced.
I don't know. There's no denying her popularity though. Appears to be a fairly nice person to boot.
Nah that’s Beyoncé.

She can’t sing very well but she pushes feminist lyrics hard, and she’s black.

She’s connected to deep state globalists like Obama too.

Lots of data points indicate she is crafted from the ground up by the industry.
Well she's as beautiful as any singer out there. She's tall and blonde. Not really controversial. Just makes simple pop music for the masses, without any craziness attached to it.
Well Beyonce for sure has a better voice. Songwriting ability, not sure. Beyonce doesn't hardly write any of her own stuff, not sure if that's the case with swift
Meh, the voice, that's debatable. Neither are my cup of tea though, so it's really just personal preference imo.
Well, compared to Spears she is practically a Beatle. Spears was only good at two things, dancing and stage presence/charisma. Swift is massively mediocre, but at least she is mediocre at a multitude of things. Britney is a horrible singer, can’t write, no musical talent, can’t even really take care of herself. Without her managers she would have been a backup dancer in her 20s, then a stripper in her 30s. At least Swift without a massive talent push would have still been a decent singer/songwriter. (Not singer as in voice, but as in what they do)
I'm not a particular fan, haven't listened to 90% of her music, but even as ignorant as I am of her music, I know that lost in her pop superstardom are some kernels of artistry.

Here she is channeling Fleetwood Mac and John Mellencamp. So it's easy to overlook that while she turns out #1's doomed to be immediately coopted by corporations for christmas commercials like "Shake It Off" that she simultaneously contains inside her the same type of country music star as Kacey Musgraves who gets showered with praise by the critics and the hipster blogs.
I would say she is no more overrated than Beyonce.
Although I'm not a fan of either of them beyonce can actually sing

You can pick any random singer off The Voice or American Idol and they'll have a far better voice than Taylor swift

Shakira is in a similar category; cant really sing and has just gotten by on looks
The read featured her and mentions her reputation for being one of the hardest workers in the industry, never not giving 100 on stage for her fans tour after tour – full set lists in overtime, pushes through cold and rain, is decent to stagehands, practises hard et cetera. All this plus being easy on the eyes can only contribute to a pop culture aura, I have to think.
When you charge your fans as much as a house payment or an engagement ring to see you in concert, you should at least get her full effort. It is a shame that actually trying during a concert is a measuring stick.

i can't stand her because she is ruining the nfl and although not ugly, is probably the most overrated human being to ever live. that said, musically, she isn't horrible. not great, but not horrible
Lady Gaga is a wierdo but she actually has some serious talent and deserves her success
All modern pop culture is overrated
Exactly and the wimpier stuff can be found in crappy wimpy artists like idiot Lady Gaga, Beyonce' (talking about looks), Eilish and ths sort of crappiest crap !!!! TS is pure talent.