Is Sambo the greatest single martial art on the planet?

Gross oversimplification aside... based on this, MMA is even better. So if you want to be a great MMA fighter, you should study MMA. Right?

You mean "train UFC" right?
Sambo is judo in shorts without all the IJF's stupid rules about illegal grips.

And chokes traded for leglocks.

The whole system was constructed by Russian judoka.
no way....

the only sambo fighter who was really a dominant champion in MMA was fedor. this means that fedor was probably and out-of-the-curve, amazing fighter, not that sambo is better than any other martial art....

this khabib guy is very good, but hasn
If you are not allowed to cross train and I don't know why you wouldn't then yes I would say Sambo is the best martial art because it covers the ground game, takedowns, the clinch and striking. To my knowledge no other martial art covers all of these areas except maybe krav maga but that isn't really a martial art system used for MMA.

Talks about Sambo, posts gifs of boxing.

Combat Sambo does involve punching, this is likely why TS was asking if Sambo is the best because it covers all areas of fighting unlike Judo, BJJ, Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling, Catch or Kick boxing.