Is Michelle Waterson a Chinese?

She? How do you know Michelle's gender you sexist shitlord?

How dare these people, assume her gender, when there are 46 different approved options. What pigs
Thai and Euro - saying she is half American is saying she's half Native American or what was called Indian at one time. White people in America are of Euro ethnicity
from the very beginning, the US has never had a singular race. It was Natives, then Europeans, then Asians, etc ..... American isn't a race. Iranian or Persian is, but American is not.
Many years ago there were many people in my country. The Elamite, the Gutians, the Kassites, the Medes, the Persians, etc. They came together and combined their culture and their blood. Now we are all Iranian. All identities are just mixes of old ones.
from the very beginning, the US has never had a singular race. It was Natives, then Europeans, then Asians, etc ..... American isn't a race. Iranian or Persian is, but American is not.
No country has ever had a singular race
Ok, a lot of people are talking shit, but no one has answered this simple yes or no question: Is Michelle Waterson a Chinese?
Hispanic. Mike Goldberg even said something about her crossing the border to come live the American Dream
So if American = White, Thai = Yellow? :O
She's African if you go back far enough.
A Chinese?

Sometimes whenever I want to travel back in time I come to Sherdog