Is media bias in the United States pushing you away from left wing politics?

What I don't understand is why there are not more hard leftists in the US, considering how disgustingly elitist and capitalist the Democrats are. I mean...Right wingers vote for Trump, OK. But why do left wingers vote for Democrats like Biden lmao?

Liberalism vs. barbarism is the more important dividing line than left vs. right in America. The right is plurality creationist, plurality birther, and heavy on CTs. The "left" has a wide range of ideological views but is united more around science and generally a belief in the existence of objective truth. There is an illiberal left that sometimes is more aligned with the right, at least politically (that is, they don't agree with the right on policy but they agree that they want liberals to lose elections).
The mainstream American media does not have a "left-wing" bias. They are corporate centrists to the core.

Thats a crock of shit if I’ve ever heard one.

They are corporatists without a doubt, but to pretend that the overwhelming majority of media outlets, darlings and content aren’t carrying water for the left and painting them in an underserved bright light is utter horseshit.

I remember when I used to love NPR, then one day my wife and I both realized we could sum up their coverage pattern this easily : Shit on Trump, Praise Obama, Shit on Trump, Super pro-LGBT story, Super Pro Islam story, Shit on White people, Shit on Trump, praise Obama. Loop, and then loop again.
Thats a crock of shit if I’ve ever heard one.

They are corporatists without a doubt, but to pretend that the overwhelming majority of media outlets, darlings and content aren’t carrying water for the left and painting them in an underserved bright light is utter horseshit.

I remember when I used to love NPR, then one day my wife and I both realized we could sum up their coverage pattern this easily : Shit on Trump, Praise Obama, Shit on Trump, Super pro-LGBT story, Super Pro Islam story, Shit on White people, Shit on Trump, praise Obama. Loop, and then loop again.
Respectfully disagree, Sherbro!
This is the problem with pretending there are just 2 options(not that I believe OP just speakign generally). Some people have a wide spectrum of beliefs across social, cultural, economic, religious, and personal beliefs. We try to indoctrinate everyone into one of two platforms and the fallout gets weird (E.G. Florida passing a progressive min wage policy while voting for Trump).

I'm a dyed in the wool Bernie Bro but I frequently get pissed at some episode of some TV show, or a song, or a book getting pulled because it contained something that may offend someone. Not because I'm a bigot, but because I feel artistic expression should be a higher priority culturally than echo chambers.
Nice to see this sentiment expressed. All the hyper partisan shit on the net makes you feel like the world is full of zealots, but I think most people are more nuanced.
Does anyone seriously consider Biden a leftist?

I would go further and ask if there is even a left in America?

Here in Europe we have real left wing parties. Social democrats, commies, neo commies, green commies (aka watermelons), etc.

We have a representation of the American political spectrum called the liberals (classical liberalism) but they're considered a party of the rich (they are) and nobody votes for them.
On the other hand everybody’s aware trump is not flawless (even his biggest supporters agree with this) however his policies were different compared to your average career politician representing big business.

Can I get a list of these?
Does anyone seriously consider Biden a leftist?
yes they do. they also like to say things like antifa, leftist, marxist, and Venezuela even though they have no idea what those words mean.
lefties projecting again cause they have no self awareness...

lefties were treating Obamas like flawless deities even though Obama didn’t do much and was a divisive figure.

On the other hand everybody’s aware trump is not flawless (even his biggest supporters agree with this) however his policies were different compared to your average career politician representing big business.

Trumps policies are much much worse for America.
^ Type much, say nothing. Enjoy Uncle Joe diddler. Hopefully he doesn't get his hands on your children, because they are definitely expendable to Joe.

More cope! More!
