They're cheering for the fighters not the organization...
Is it going to be awkward chanting "USA USA" at an event owned and operated by a Chinese mogul?
What a stupid question. None of the Brazilian fans sit in the stands like, "Can't chant for Brazil... those American bastards run the company that our native son fights for!!!!!"
Don't even talk to me about those Irish fans... they never show Irish pride and that's exactly why!
I'm chanting "USA" on a daily basis and I'm European.
wait but i want to complain about walmarts slave labor but also enjoy their low prices - how do i handle that?If you shop at Walmart you're basically cheering for what amounts to Chinese slave labor.
I highly doubt the possible Chinese owners give 2 shits what audience members chant as long as they paid for a ticket.
That's a rough one bro. If you can answer that one I'll vote for you to be President.wait but i want to complain about walmarts slave labor but also enjoy their low prices - how do i handle that?