is is CONFIRMED that UFC 158 is an all WW card?


Worship and forget
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
talking about the maincard here

Since we KNOW Kos wont be on it...what are the options? Dana was talking about the top 10 welters all on this card...(lol Dana)

GSP vs Diaz
Condit vs Rory
Jake vs Hendricks
TBA1 vs TBA2
TBA3 vs TBA4

who are the TBA's?

Not Fitch
Not Maia
Not Kos
Not Silva

then who?

Hardy vs Brown could open this card but lol@them being top 10! But I dont care its a quality fight.

What else? Pyle vs Pierce? Not sure I wanna see Pyle being out fucked and LnP'd
6 of the top 10 seems sufficient. Dana never usually holds up to 60% of what he says.
i could see Mike Pierce vs Mike Pyle making the bottom of the card, or Matt Brown vs Dan Hardy
I dont think the entire main card needs to be WW, 6 of the top 10 fighters is plenty but could always add guys like Marquardt, Saffedine, Woodley, Pyle, Mein, High, Story, Hardy if you need WWs
who the fuck cares, i just want to see good fucking fights.
I personally would like this card more if it WASNT all WW

Add Kongo vs Carwin there and another fight in a diff weight class...
ww has always been deep division
Dana just wanted a bunch of WWs on the card because he knew Diaz may not show up again.
Its been forever since ive seen hathaway fight.
I dont think the entire main card needs to be WW, 6 of the top 10 fighters is plenty but could always add guys like Marquardt, Saffedine, Woodley, Pyle, Mein, High, Story, Hardy if you need WWs

A lot of nice matchups can be made with those names.
They just gonna do an all WW card so GSP can handpick the easiest opponent for himself when it's all over.
If Dana said, it must be.

They just gonna do an all WW card so GSP can handpick the easiest opponent for himself when it's all over.

I hope you are wrong but I have a feeling if Diaz no shows at the last minute GSP won't fight Hendricks. Preparing to fight Diaz is a lot different than Hendricks. I assume GSP would want a full camp to prepare for Hendricks.
well i mean Dana said 9 top 5 guys so hopefully

No, he said there's 9 top WW in the top 5 fights. How is this so fucking hard to grasp? Do people seriously just hear something and run with it so hard that they can't be bothered to look at the fucking context?

Do you realize how stupid this makes you look?