Is 156 worth attending?


Blue Belt
Jul 4, 2012
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I just got cleared to take that weekend off, i was thinking about going to it. Only problem is, it'll be 1k+ with travel, hotel and tickets. (Me+gf)

Aldo-Edgar is a huge fight, but i haven't seen the undercard or even the main card because I use wikipedia. Would you pay 1.5kish to be there live and semi-close? The last event I went to (148) only ran 1k and had Silva on it, so I went for fun.

Is it worth it?
Edgar vs Aldo
THE REEM vs Bigfoot
Rashad vs Lil Nog
Fitch vs Maia

hell yeah it's worth it.
Fitch vs Maia
Evans Vs Nogueira
Overeem vs Silva
Benavidez vs McCall

Among others.

I'd say it's definitely worth it if you have the money.
You know nothing about mma when you ask a question like that. Stick to watching Hannah Montana, you are over your head in ignorance!
It's definitely a great card, if it's not going to put you out too much I'd say it's definitely worth it.
Ditch the wife, it's Vegas!

Jk, but, yeah, 100% would go if I could. Worth it.
Dumb question.

jesus you guys are so spoiled for choice, its annoying. in the uk we have the best card in years coming up. it still pails to 156! id give anything to attend 156
seeing that you have Rashad and Overeem backing up a superfight, I think it is a no brainer.
You know nothing about mma when you ask a question like that. Stick to watching Hannah Montana, you are over your head in ignorance!

people like you are why we cant get new blood into mma. the guy ask a legitimate question about whether this would be an event you would attend or not , and all you can give him is snarky response that has nothing to do with what he asked. for all we know this was gonna be his first fight and now he might not have the experience because of some douche on the internet.
I think it is one of the best cards ever on paper. The fights should deliver too, judging by who's in them. If you can spare the money, I'd say it's a no-brainer.
No, i just didn't want to buy my tickets without even knowing the other fights... Sorry... I guess what I'm trying to say is should i break the bank to be there or i could just buy the ppv. I've been to a ton of events, but it's never been so expensive. The ppv is 55 dollars. Going live is over 1000 dollars when i don't have a ton to spend.

Thanks for the input guys, i think i'm heading to vegas lol
jesus you guys are so spoiled for choice, its annoying. in the uk we have the best card in years coming up. it still pails to 156! id give anything to attend 156
At least you guys have the whole proximity thing going on when the UFC comes to the UK. I hate having to mess around with getting plane tickets and whatnot. Even if I'm lucky enough that the UFC comes to my state I'd still have a 5 hour drive to get there. It would take me 16 hours to drive to Vegas and I'm only two states away.

The one superfight that's actually happening!

Its a no brainer!
If you got the dough, there's no excuse not to go.
I just got cleared to take that weekend off, i was thinking about going to it. Only problem is, it'll be 1k+ with travel, hotel and tickets. (Me+gf)

Aldo-Edgar is a huge fight, but i haven't seen the undercard or even the main card because I use wikipedia. Would you pay 1.5kish to be there live and semi-close? The last event I went to (148) only ran 1k and had Silva on it, so I went for fun.

Is it worth it?

the main event is the closest thing to s SUPER FIGHT we will get as fans for a while.. that alone is worth it

oh and reem and rashad are on it.. so YES
At least you guys have the whole proximity thing going on when the UFC comes to the UK. I hate having to mess around with getting plane tickets and whatnot. Even if I'm lucky enough that the UFC comes to my state I'd still have a 5 hour drive to get there. It would take me 16 hours to drive to Vegas and I'm only two states away.

its difficult to comprehend just how big the US actually is. london is about 4 hours from me, im in the north of england thats in the south.

still, id make the effort for 156 if i was in the US!