I don't understand why it's an issue to play as a bald Asian chick. People will play as a bandicoot, a blue hedgehog, a chunk of meat, a slice of bread, numerous alien creatures, but an Asian chick is too far
Im indifferent to it, currently. But its reductive to just say "Oh, they dont want to play a bald asian girl." Lets be honest, thats not the potential issue people are seeing. But there's a couple things happening here.
As far as playing blue hedgehogs or a piece of meat needing bandages, the style of your game matters. This looks like it's going to be a huge sci fi game, but at the same time they probably want you to take the characters, world and story they create seriously, regardless of how much video-gaming happens in them. They did that perfectly with TLOU. Even though it's a game and you're making bullets out of pieces of rock or whatever, they still got you invested in this grounded setting and characters. I'm just assuming they want to do the same here. So in this sense, how well you create your characters matters. Joel was a compelling character that was smartly written. So was Ellie. If you made Ellie a blue hedgehog in the middle of this TLOU game, people would be like "wtf is this?", because it breaks that immersion.
Druckman has become a bit of an activist storyteller and to some people, that breaks that immersion just as much as if a blue hedgehog suddenly dropped into the game. The apprehension comes from the idea that the same thing that might happen again. I'm taking a wait and see approach, and like I said I assume the gameplay will be as good as it gets.
There was an article by a writer in PCGamer that's either gay or trans, dont recall, that goes into detail about why the politcal posturing doesnt work in games. I thought it was a very blanced take that's worth reading:
"Don't tell me who I am."
But it was summed up perfectly when it was pointed out how putting modern, contemporary language or situations into this high fantasy setting just seems off. Like if Morrigan said "Clap back, This is sus". You'd just be like "wtf"? So in Veilguard all this arguing about someone being trans, when theyre an entirely different race in an entirely different world, just breaks immersion for a lot of people. The same is probably true of an intergalactic sci-fi setting as a swords and magic fantasy setting.
Basically, a large amount of people dont want to load of this huge AAA game that takes place in an entirely different world and be told things that are the writers opinions about political landscape. This is not the same thing as dealing with
themes that might
relate to contemporary topics. That's good writing and storytelling. Placing people and characters down that exemplify posturing for your own opinions is not.
Anyway, the point Im making is this is not just people not wanting to play a female character. You might argue that the actual reasons aren't good enough for you to feel the same way as the detractors, and that's fair. Like I said, Im taking a wait and see approach. Druckman is capable of giving highs and lows, and I hope the Rian Johnson part of him goes by the wayside this time. As many problems as I have about TLOU2, Lev wasnt one of them and they were a full on trans character. But I thought it was handled well and it wasnt a distraction. Lev was just Lev and wasnt a placeholder for a bullhorn straight from the writers mouths. So inclusivity in and of itself is not an issue. Just handle it well and make the character a character, not a bot for political positions, that's all.
I can remain hopeful until I have reason to believe otherwise. But I totally understand the eye-rolling. I can accept a girl boss in a game like this, its not a big deal. I just hope they want to make her a compelling character instead of using her to say something they want everyone to know about their opinions.
It should be noted, there were TONS of whining about TLOU2 prior to its release that turned out to not be true. Mostly it was just scattered information and they put together a narrative that wasnt accurate, namely that Abby was trans because she was buff and there was a trans character in the game. Turns out her buffness totally made sense for the character and the trans angle was bullshit. So, like I said, Im on wait and see. I can certainly hope for the best and, in all honestly, it'll probably be a good game Im sure Ill play it. I just hope they make a great game.
This was longer than I thought it would be.