If two guys were eating apples and oranges for 25 minutes, who's winning the fight?
If they're not fighting, then they're not fighting.
Pushing someone against the cage is just playing a game where you run out the clock to win on a flawed scoring criteria. Why are we pretending that isn't the full intent? Everyone already knows this, but tries to make up some strange strawman argument about people not liking grappling.
If the scoring criteria was changed not as many people would resort to that tactic. So it should probably be changed.
In my unbiased opinion: If you hold me down on the ground, or against a wall, in a street fight (or a cage fight) and I don't do shit about it, I lost that fight.
Dana has straight up told fighters that got held down and lost, then complained that they got held down and lost, that it's their own fault for not finding a way to get back up.
It's not about about favoring grappling over striking, or vise versa. It's that in a fight the most dominant fighter, regardless of position, should win that fight.
Boxing's 10 point must system will never work in MMA, regardless of the criteria. The most dominant fighter should always win the fight. Period.
To clarify my unbiased opinion at the start of my reply; when I was on bottom doing nothing and you won ----
If I was on top and didn't consistently attempt to damage or sub you, just simply held you down while you turned my offense (or lack thereof) into defense by actively working to get back up, you're winning.
If I'm doing fuck all from the top and you're using sub attempts for sweeps, or nullifying my offense with your own offense throughout the round - hitting me, or hitting sub and/or sweep attempts. Especially sub attempts that I only got out of because of the horn ~ When the final horn sounds, you won the fight.
I don't have a preference on striking over grappling or grappling over striking; this is MMA.
Marketing set the expectations of MMA as a whole when the criteria became introduced as, and in this specific order ~ Effective Striking, Grappling, Aggression, and Octagon Control.
Are KOs more exciting than subs? Subjective.
Are subs more exciting than KOs? Subjective.
Should the most dominant fighter in any fight win?
Fucking duh.