i'm 24 years old and have legit zero friends. I have no idea how this happened. My life sucks and I need help turning it around

This has gone from friends to job advice. Makes sense cos a lot of people make friends at work no?
Do I go back to school to get a Masters just to make more friends? i'm also unemployed. getting a masters would kill two birds with one stone : making it easier to get a job and making me get friends easier
Yes. Get a fucking Master’s. The ROA for that is almost always worth it.
You can make friends with OF models for only $30 a month or street hookers
Solid advice fam gives TS motivation fi workin' two birds one stone ngl tho u spend more than $30 gwaan oot wif di mandem that's only 1 tayum best decision I ever made dun kno 💯🤑💹
Making new friends rarely just fall on your lap. You need put yourself out there and make an effort especially if you're more introverted in nature. It's easier to make friends when you attend/participate in group activities and other social events. That could be an adult sport league, meetup groups, hobby related groups, church, etc. Making friends in college and work are also great places so hopefully you can find a new job sooner than later or go back to school.

This go join an MMA gym or BJJ gym and go to class a lot. You'll make friends eventually.
Go work at a call center for a year. Pussy for miles and all kinds of cats you can have some beers with. Or a trade as others have noted.

Sounds like you're paranoid about the long term and missing out on the short game. Relax bud, lots of time and opportunities.
Do I go back to school to get a Masters just to make more friends? i'm also unemployed. getting a masters would kill two birds with one stone : making it easier to get a job and making me get friends easier

I’d suggest joining a gym or a sports club, easiest way to make friends I reckon. Plus getting fit helps confidence overall, might be a good thing for you, all the best Sherbro
I don’t believe the Masters will help your job prospects much. Put it on your resume and see if that gains any traction with applications.
I was fired for not meeting numbers in a sales job. I was put on PIP for a month and failed and got canned

On my resume, I don't say I was fired. When interviewers ask why I left, I always say "I wanted to explore new opportunities". My previous company only verifies dates of unemployment. They don't give a reason for why I left.
Get another sales job and this time actually TRY to be successful. And listen to your boss and more experienced peers, be willing to apply their advice even if it's uncomfortable or difficult. Commit to being a better salesperson and don't let anything stop you.

Once you're good enough to hit your numbers, you'll likely have everything you need to make friends too.
I was fired for not meeting numbers in a sales job. I was put on PIP for a month and failed and got canned

On my resume, I don't say I was fired. When interviewers ask why I left, I always say "I wanted to explore new opportunities". My previous company only verifies dates of unemployment. They don't give a reason for why I left.

So you left to explore new opportunities and haven't done anything for 7 months? That does not look good in an interview, particularly given your lack of experience.

What did you go to school for? Sales is a tough gig for most people where charisma, assertiveness and social skills are highly valuable. Given your lack of friends those probably aren't your strong suits and you should consider doing something else.

And don't go back to college unless you have a specific job in mind that a masters is required for. Just getting a masters isn't going to help you get hired at the jobs you are currently looking at and you're just racking up debt at that point.
This has gone from friends to job advice. Makes sense cos a lot of people make friends at work no?
Life hack - I’m self employed. My coworkers have to be nice to me or they’re fired.

Start your own business then hire friends. Big brain moves.
So you left to explore new opportunities and haven't done anything for 7 months? That does not look good in an interview, particularly given your lack of experience.
Just fill gaps in your resume with bullshit like caring for a family member. Nobody’s going to ask/dig deeper and you’re a member of your own family so it’s not even really lying that much.

I’ve been in management and now out on my own for awhile now and I shouldn’t say that outloud but yeah… Sometimes people need time to figure things out or fall between jobs. I don’t agree with a blanket approach of judging them for that.

I interviewed a guy once on one of the first management positions I held where he took over a year off of work to compete as a bodybuilder lol. If anything, it made his work ethic look even better. Hard to say what other bosses want but I try not to do the blanket statement thing and it’s worked especially well for me now that I’m on my own and 100% in charge of hiring.
Just start robbing liquor stores. You'll get money, booze, and if you get caught lots of friends.
why make friends? make enemies is easier