i'm 24 years old and have legit zero friends. I have no idea how this happened. My life sucks and I need help turning it around

I was fired for not meeting numbers in a sales job. I was put on PIP for a month and failed and got canned

On my resume, I don't say I was fired. When interviewers ask why I left, I always say "I wanted to explore new opportunities". My previous company only verifies dates of unemployment. They don't give a reason for why I left.

Man, I probably have a lot of advice for you. While that response may sound good to you, as an employer, it sounds awful. You were basically saying, "I had a decent job, didn't like it, left, and haven't found shit since". I'd much rather hear that it was a sales job with a very high quota and you weren't making it as a new guy. Especially if you aren't applying for a sales job - just be real about it.

What are your hobbies? What are you doing with your time?

Again, I own a company and have interviewed quite a few from mid 20's to 50's. What type of industry are you in? What did you graduate in? Etc.
That's how I used to do things out here too but everyone eventually marries and has kids or gives up and moves home with their parents. I can't do either so I'm just out here being the last exile until the heart attack or stroke finally, mercifully comes. Hopefully in my sleep.


for a small fee I can help you...
Man, I probably have a lot of advice for you. While that response may sound good to you, as an employer, it sounds awful. You were basically saying, "I had a decent job, didn't like it, left, and haven't found shit since". I'd much rather hear that it was a sales job with a very high quota and you weren't making it as a new guy. Especially if you aren't applying for a sales job - just be real about it.

What are your hobbies? What are you doing with your time?

Again, I own a company and have interviewed quite a few from mid 20's to 50's. What type of industry are you in? What did you graduate in? Etc.

My hobbies are watching sports, going to sporting events, watching movies and TV shows, going to the gym, going to the gun range, occassionally golfing.

In college, I used to also have a hobby of club hopping but I took a break from drinking to get in shape since I was overweight. I'll probably resume that hobby next year when I start drinking again

Unfortunately, I've been unemployed for 7 months now. I'm either posting on forums, playing video games, watching sports, watching movies, or at the gym. My life is absolutely brutal. I just want a job and a friend group. I think going back to college will add much needed structure and give me a social scene

I'm applying to sales jobs. SDR and other entry level roles. Not getting anything though. Brutal job market
I was fired for not meeting numbers in a sales job. I was put on PIP for a month and failed and got canned

On my resume, I don't say I was fired. When interviewers ask why I left, I always say "I wanted to explore new opportunities". My previous company only verifies dates of unemployment. They don't give a reason for why I left.
In the future if you get put on a PIP or even think one is coming find something else and bail asap. They're just letting you know you're fired early.
I think going back to college will add much needed structure and give me a social scene

You're 24. You have your entire life ahead of you. Go back to school and do something you enjoy that has decent career prospects.

I'm applying to sales jobs. SDR and other entry level roles. Not getting anything though. Brutal job market

It's only brutal because your standards are way too high. 50k for those jobs is usually a fantasy. Lower your standards, bite the bullet, and work your way up. Everyone has to start somewhere.

My hobbies are watching sports, going to sporting events, watching movies and TV shows, going to the gym, going to the gun range, occassionally golfing.

In college, I used to also have a hobby of club hopping but I took a break from drinking to get in shape since I was overweight. I'll probably resume that hobby next year when I start drinking again

Unfortunately, I've been unemployed for 7 months now. I'm either posting on forums, playing video games, watching sports, watching movies, or at the gym. My life is absolutely brutal. I just want a job and a friend group. I think going back to college will add much needed structure and give me a social scene

I'm applying to sales jobs. SDR and other entry level roles. Not getting anything though. Brutal job market

What do you do at the gym? If you are really into going to the gym, it's pretty easy to make friends there. I'd even get into some intramural sports. I know funds may not be easy for this, but get back into golf more. You should be able to make friends and do choose-ups.

You really need to pick up a job that keeps you busy and let's you meet people. A job at a gym, golf course, maybe even restaurant or bar sounds perfect. Retail would be fine too. You need to show that you are doing something and being social, especially in a sales industry.
In the future if you get put on a PIP or even think one is coming find something else and bail asap. They're just letting you know you're fired early.
Yeah I was put on PIP in January and I was looking for stuff all the way back in November. I know PIP means your basically a goner. Its just a shit job market rn and I cant find anything
My hobbies are watching sports, going to sporting events, watching movies and TV shows, going to the gym, going to the gun range, occassionally golfing.

In college, I used to also have a hobby of club hopping but I took a break from drinking to get in shape since I was overweight. I'll probably resume that hobby next year when I start drinking again

Unfortunately, I've been unemployed for 7 months now. I'm either posting on forums, playing video games, watching sports, watching movies, or at the gym. My life is absolutely brutal. I just want a job and a friend group. I think going back to college will add much needed structure and give me a social scene

I'm applying to sales jobs. SDR and other entry level roles. Not getting anything though. Brutal job market
Real advice here. Don’t go to college if you don’t have a solid plan. You’ll be unemployed with debt or work a shitty job with debt. Planning what to major in and what to afterwards is of the utmost importance these days because most college grads make less than plumbers and electricians.

Go to trade school and get unionized if you’re not sure what you want out of college.
What do you do at the gym? If you are really into going to the gym, it's pretty easy to make friends there. I'd even get into some intramural sports. I know funds may not be easy for this, but get back into golf more. You should be able to make friends and do choose-ups.

You really need to pick up a job that keeps you busy and let's you meet people. A job at a gym, golf course, maybe even restaurant or bar sounds perfect. Retail would be fine too. You need to show that you are doing something and being social, especially in a sales industry.
Really unsure where this mindset "Make friends at the gym" comes from. My therapist said the same thing "make friends at the gym". but it just doesnt work that way

I've been in many gyms. Planet Fitness, Crunch, Retro Fitness, Club Metro, etc. The gym I'm in now is a private gym in my hometown. Literally every gym with people around my age (18-24) just have their headphones in and they're doing their own thing. I'm not sure just going up to them and starting a convo makes sense in this context

Going to a club/bar and striking convos with drunk people seems like a better strategy in my opinion. I'll do that next year. Also, I'll go to Grad School and join a bunch of clubs and student orgs. That might help me get at least SOME friends. am I off base with my plan here? this won't happen until next fall, am I wasting my prime years by waiting that long?
I would maybe bite the bullet and take a lower paying job if you can and continue looking for work. Going back to college and doing volunteer work is a great way to meet new people. Although I would do it while you’re still young.
I would maybe bite the bullet and take a lower paying job if you can and continue looking for work. Going back to college and doing volunteer work is a great way to meet new people. Although I would do it while you’re still young.
Lol, bro even Target isn't hiring. I'll bag groceries for $15 just to get myself out of the house. My parents are losing patience but I can't find anything.

I DONT GET IT. I have a degree from a well known university, I have 6+ years of work experience, no criminal record, a perfect resume and I still cant get shit
Lol, bro even Target isn't hiring. I'll bag groceries for $15 just to get myself out of the house. My parents are losing patience but I can't find anything.

I DONT GET IT. I have a degree from a well known university, I have 6+ years of work experience, no criminal record, a perfect resume and I still cant get shit

Is this in your hometown? Do you have any connections? The market really isn't that bad here. If you need to, get creative. Umpire/ref some games. Get with your local YMCA and see if they have anything. I'd be shocked if construction crews aren't hiring. They can never hold employees.
Really unsure where this mindset "Make friends at the gym" comes from. My therapist said the same thing "make friends at the gym". but it just doesnt work that way

I've been in many gyms. Planet Fitness, Crunch, Retro Fitness, Club Metro, etc. The gym I'm in now is a private gym in my hometown. Literally every gym with people around my age (18-24) just have their headphones in and they're doing their own thing. I'm not sure just going up to them and starting a convo makes sense in this context

Going to a club/bar and striking convos with drunk people seems like a better strategy in my opinion. I'll do that next year. Also, I'll go to Grad School and join a bunch of clubs and student orgs. That might help me get at least SOME friends. am I off base with my plan here? this won't happen until next fall, am I wasting my prime years by waiting that long?

I've had quite a few conversations at the gym. If I'm going at the same time, it's the same crew there. You eventually get to know them. I'm not sure if you are moving any decent weight, but people typically talk to you if you are. Just bullshit smalltalk about lifting, but it leads somewhere. If I walked into my YMCA today, there would probably be 5+ people that say hi or nod to me. I see a lot of this at the gym with others too.

For someone in sales, you should be doing whatever you can to be social.
bruh i'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay older and legit got zero friends, well I have Sherbros, been using this site for 20 + years now, and my circumstances aren't much better.

Don't listen to people saying, oh you are already so old, what were you doing?

24 in hindsight, is really, really young and all the future ahead of you. Keep your chin down and go at whatever you want to and you will go far, sir.

Best of luck!!!
This. One of the biggest lies in life is telling some 24 Y O that he is too old for something. Except for some career paths like doctor or investment banker at a top bank or pro athlete where the track starts in one‘s teens already, at 24 Y O pretty much everything is still achievable.
This. One of the biggest lies in life is telling some 24 Y O that he is too old for something. Except for some career paths like doctor or investment banker at a top bank or pro athlete where the track starts in one‘s teens already, at 24 Y O pretty much everything is still achievable.
I’m a doctor and I didn’t go to college until I was 30. I worked an IT job at a desk out of high school and I made good money doing it, but my back was always jacked from sitting all day. I took on quite a bit of debt getting a 4 year college degree in science followed by 4 years of medical school. It’s not impossible, but it is doable. I would advise against it though because unless you ace your MCAT a lot of medical schools will pass you over for younger people.
Do I go back to school to get a Masters just to make more friends? i'm also unemployed. getting a masters would kill two birds with one stone : making it easier to get a job and making me get friends easier

Only if it's a master's degree that actually has good employment prospects.
Friends are overrated... get a job, get a hobby, get a girl... friends should be the last of your priorities.