illegal immigration is a crime?

Toothless King

Brown Belt
Dec 6, 2013
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pro-illegal immigration crew thinks it's a civil offense

anti-illegal immigration crew thinks it's a criminal offense

let's clear this up once and for all.

Yea other wise it wouldn't be illegal.
What are all of these Europeans doing here...
If it was criminal wouldn’t it be called Criminal-Immigration???
It's a crime in every other country in the world, so yes, it is a crime.
It's also a crime to smoke pot in the privacy of your own home and watch youtube videos of Russian guys crushing shit with hydraulic presses.
Bob Loblaw's Law Blog doesn't generally clear things up once and for all.
pro-illegal immigration crew thinks it's a civil offense

anti-illegal immigration crew thinks it's a criminal offense

let's clear this up once and for all.


This is straight forward. First, interesting fact, the majority of people many call "illegal" have overstayed visas rather crossed the border illegally.

Improper Entry Is a Crime

To be clear, the most common crime associated with illegal immigration is likely improper entry. Under federal criminal law, it is misdemeanor for an alien (i.e., a non-citizen) to:

  • Enter or attempt to enter the United States at any time or place other than designated by immigration officers;
  • Elude examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
  • Attempt to enter or obtain entry to the United States by willfully concealing, falsifying, or misrepresenting material facts.
The punishment under this federal law is no more than six months of incarceration and up to $250 in civil penalties for each illegal entry. These acts of improper entry -- including the mythic "border jumping" -- are criminal acts associated with illegally immigrating to the United States.

Unlawful Presence Is Not a Crime

Some may assume that all immigrants who are in the United States without legal status must have committed improper entry. This simply isn't the case. Many foreign nationals legally enter the country on a valid work or travel visa, but fail to exit before their visa expires for a variety of reasons.

But mere unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal, where an unlawful resident may be detained and removed from the country. Unlawful presence can also have negative consequences for a resident who may seek to gain re-entry into the United States, or permanent residency.
Leftists don't want to hear that.


They like to point to "universal healthcare" and stuff in UK/Japan/Australia though.

If Congress wants to make Unlawful Presence a criminal offense instead of a civil offense they should do so.

Entering the county illegally is already a criminal offense. The majority enter legally though.
"punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal"

Am i doing this right?
But how many laws do they break when in the country illegal?

In 2018 the immigration system should not be this screwed up.

Big question is can you people follow laws to protect the country without your bleeding heart feelings get in the way.

Town in Greece barley surviving the last 20 years.
Should we be logical and not add more people and stress or should we be more compassionate and just let more foreigners in?

Compassion vs logic

Logic would say, no, there is no more room, not enough jobs, not enough resources.

Compassion would say, go for it and the results are disastrous
Illegally entering a country should be considered similarly to an act of war.

Make it clear, it won't be tolerated, it'll stop people from crossing.