If you think Israel looked bad in that fight....


Silver Belt
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Then you are an idiot when it comes to the science and arts of striking. Simply dumb. Yes I called you an idiot. If anything he simply gave Silva too much respect. He could have turned it up and brought it to Silva had he chose to.

But personally I'm happy with the turn out. I would not have enjoyed seeing Silva hurt bad.
Think you hit the nail on the head as to why some think he looked bad. He was very hesitant and extremely cautious. He didn’t look amazing and he didn’t look terrible. This fight didn’t show much about his ability.
the question is, did he dial it back out of caution or was it his fandom that kept the dog at bay.
Silva's not the man he once was, but he still ko'd bisping (regardless of what the record says) who went on to become champ, and beat Brunson who is a legit top ten. This mindset that any decent fighter should crush him is ludicrous. Adesanya recognized that Silva is still plenty dangerous, and studied him enough to recognize when he was getting played and back out.
He's got a glass chin I'm sure, bet he realised it in sparring
the question is, did he dial it back out of caution or was it his fandom that kept the dog at bay.
Probably a bit if both. Was hoping Anderson would have thrown a straight right to left high kick in that fight. Just wasn't sure if his speed would be fast enough though.
the question is, did he dial it back out of caution or was it his fandom that kept the dog at bay.
Definitely too cautious. He treated Anderson like he was the best Anderson and didn't take unnecessary risks. Can't fully blame him.
Oh look, some douche on the internet calling strangers idiots. How fucking original.

You admit yourself he looked bad in the fight, then just gave your excuse for why he looked bad, so i guess you just admitted you're an idiot.
Oh look, some douche on the internet calling strangers idiots. How fucking original.

You admit yourself he looked bad in the fight, then just gave your excuse for why he looked bad, so i guess you just admitted you're an idiot.
It's ok slowpoke. I said he gave Silva "too much respect" I didn't say he looked bad. Your name suits you.
It's ok slowpoke. I said he gave Silva "too much respect" I didn't say he looked bad. Your name suits you.
The entire post was saying he could have looked better if he wanted and gave excuses for why he didn't while pretending you're some genius in "the science and art of striking". You wouldn't have had to make excuses if you thought he looked good.
Oh look, some douche on the internet calling strangers idiots. How fucking original.

You admit yourself he looked bad in the fight, then just gave your excuse for why he looked bad, so i guess you just admitted you're an idiot.
He literally didn't say he looked bad. You just made that up.
The entire post was saying he could have looked better if he wanted and gave excuses for why he didn't while pretending you're some genius in "the science and art of striking". You wouldn't have had to make excuses if you thought he looked good.
What excuse did I make dumbass??? You can't be this slow.
True but you need to realize that 90% of sherdoggers can't tell the difference between elite striking and bad striking, all they can do is look at the fighters record.
What excuse did I make dumbass??? You can't be this slow.

Um "he gave Silva too much respect". The fuck would you call that?

If you're going to make a retarded thread calling strangers idiots, might want to not shit all over your own point in the OP, slick.
Does not deserve a TS no matter how hard you bandwagon bitches mark out for him. Fight a top 5 or shut the fuck up
It doesn’t matter why he didn’t do this or didn’t do that...result is the same. I’m sure if Till wasn’t cautious he could have given Woodley a decent fight, i’m sure if Wonderboy was more aggressive he could probably have taken Woodley. But they weren’t and your post is pointless.

I get it though your a bandwagoner and take it personally when people don’t love your favorite fighter
It doesn’t matter why he didn’t do this or didn’t do that...result is the same. I’m sure if Till wasn’t cautious he could have given Woodley a decent fight, i’m sure if Wonderboy was more aggressive he could probably have taken Woodley. But they weren’t and your post is pointless.
That's not the point, the point is that Israel did good but casual like you can't see it.
Um "he gave Silva too much respect". The fuck would you call that?

If you're going to make a retarded thread calling strangers idiots, might want to not shit all over your own point in the OP, slick.
That's not an excuse, that's what happened. What exactly am I excusing? He still DID NOT look bad. Have you ever competed in any form of striking? Do you know what it means to give someone too much respect???
He's a very high level striker with pretty good TDD. The haters have no idea what they are talking about.
Take my word for it (someone who has spent 10 years in kickboxing and 10 years in BJJ)... Izzy is legit.
Anderson told Izzy after the fight that Izzy is now the best. If Anderson passed the torch like that, then the haters are just being butthurt.