If you had no choice but to get one MMA fighters face tattooed on you...

i think the most beautiful mma fighter is meisha tate (if we're going with the ufc). Thug rose is next
I'd get 2; I feel its one of the few MMA fighter tattoos that wont be cringe af and actually has a great meaning behind it.


Also, Genki Sudo's back tattoo because since I was a kid, I thought it was one of the most badass tattoos I've ever seen and still think so to this day.



This, but it would probably have to be a full back tattoo to fully fit Tito's cave man dome
If I had too I would probably do something like this, but in an old school pin girl style...


I'll be god damned if I'm getting some dude tattooed on my body :D
I’d get her face tattooed on the back of my hand with her mouth on the side of my thumb and index finger.