If you could train (strengthening) with one person...


Continues without supporting Sherdog.
Aug 11, 2004
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for a year, who would it be?
There is only one answer to this if you are training MMA. He would tell you the secrets of Russian training...and maybe even allow you to undergo the top secret Russian operation to turn you into a cyborg as well.

I need not say his name.
The correct answer is Dan John.
It would suprise a lot of people... if that's what I said.
Urban said:
It would suprise a lot of people... if that's what I said.

where can I find your optimal information on dan john?
The correct answer is Bill Kazmeier.
He has an article now on t-mag called Iron john, I think this is the 7th manifestation of his article and it may very well be the only think keeping t-mag alive right now IMO.

Dan John stands for simplicity. Go to your gym, do something difficult, pay your dues and work your ass off, and you'll get stronger. Everything from diet, to training, to philosophy is common sense and hard work.
Urban said:
He has an article now on t-mag called Iron john, I think this is the 7th manifestation of his article and it may very well be the only think keeping t-mag alive right now IMO.

what is causing the decline to T-Mag? I've never seen it.

Maybe it is making things too "scientific?"
Big Ed Coan Squattin 1019lbs
At a bodyweight of 238

Strength training isn't that complicated so you run out of shit to write about pretty quick. So like any other zine on lifting, t-mag is now prone to reaching to fringe shit, "secrets," plugging their products, and complicating the hell out of a lot of simple things. Funny, Dan John actually makes fun of some of their products in today's article. Well, not them specifically, but here's an interesting quote,
"We have pre-workout drinks (900 calories), an oxygenated power drink to swallow while treadmilling (300 calories), an instant gel to sustain the first set of walking to the water fountain (500 calories), a candy bar and a power drink to survive the lat pulldowns (900 calories), and a post-workout drink to "get anabolic" (1200 calories). Total caloric intake: 3800 calories. Calories burned during training: 211."
Carnal, because our combined scorpio sexiness would no doubt change the world!!

Seriously though, being a boxer I wouldn't mind training with Ross Enamait!
AxeGrinder said:
svend carlson, that norweigen dude....


as far as a strength and conditioning coach, either dan john or martin rooney.
I've been thinking recently about doing a bit of strongman training, and I was thinking about making the trip out to Gatineau and paying for some private instruction from hugo girard . . . Dan John is pretty much the only trainer/writer who I take the time to read at this point, but I doubt I would ever get the chance to train with him.