Strength training isn't that complicated so you run out of shit to write about pretty quick. So like any other zine on lifting, t-mag is now prone to reaching to fringe shit, "secrets," plugging their products, and complicating the hell out of a lot of simple things. Funny, Dan John actually makes fun of some of their products in today's article. Well, not them specifically, but here's an interesting quote,
"We have pre-workout drinks (900 calories), an oxygenated power drink to swallow while treadmilling (300 calories), an instant gel to sustain the first set of walking to the water fountain (500 calories), a candy bar and a power drink to survive the lat pulldowns (900 calories), and a post-workout drink to "get anabolic" (1200 calories). Total caloric intake: 3800 calories. Calories burned during training: 211."