It depends what the goal is. Like, if they went all crazy and wanted to just take lands they've occupied in the past with a paltry amount of their true military capabilities, they could. Easily.The US had air superiority in many wars and it didn't mean shit in the end. What was the last war the US won? Please enlighten me.
If Trump tries to invade Canada I hope there's mass protests from the US military as well as congress, and refusal by military officers to follow illegal orders.
Otherwise that stupid motherfucker kicks off world war III.
what you wildlings fail to understand is that Greenland was the catalyst. now, the US and Denmark, soon the be the biggest nation in the world on two continents, will invade and establish a frozen border for any of those Eskimos who would dare threaten our constitution.
Canadians and Americans are very different with cultural similaraties. The stereotypes of both countries are generally true (except albertans might as well be Americans) Canadians dislike Americans for the same reason literally every other country doesn't like them.
From my experience, Canadians in public will tell you they like Americans, but ask them in private and its a different story.
There are a shit ton of absolutely great Americans but the annoying ones are the most unbearable people in the world.
@Clippy hasn't been on since last Saturday, RIP Canada
Wheather it’s possible or not the majority of Americans aren’t very bright we know this bc he won the election in the first place and part of it is due to very weak minded citizens who are easily susceptible to brain washing , you don’t realize it but just making a statement of invading or any type of takeover of ANY country effects our outlook which effects social , disinformation and economic collapse which ultimately causes a wave of chaos which ultimately is his actual plan .I'm calling bullshit. You know its not happening. You know its not even a reasonable possibility. Leave the culture of fear behind, its not a good look.
I already accept that. None of this real.
Stupid motherfuckers are already starting WW3 in
None!what kind of cheese were you trying to steal, you fromage theif you.
why would America INVADE? like, for what?
all this fan fiction is just nuts.
I will agree that relations between USA and Canada have been disgustingly pleasant for decades and that's very bad and it would need a night of both shooting some mags over the other's border, no casualties, call it the 3 hour war or something, then swiftly declare the war over and get drunk together for a week to celebrate peace. then, everybody as they were, go back to living.Ya ever look at the country next door and just be like God I wish I could fn smack those people....its like that. Sometimes it's fun to think about givin the Canadians a little bunny fufu....they are obnoxious. Like the actually meme in human form.