If Dana pulled a Donald Sterling...

He will say it was hacked or sumchit, Like Jon Jones instagram ya fee me?
I imagine fox wouldn't be too happy and that could cause some problems.
I don't think he's racist, but I could see him saying something to get someone mad. He knows how to get under peoples' skin.
Dana would get the boot. Dana says a lot of stupid chit but pulling a Sterling could be extremely damaging to the UFC. Can't have someone like that around.
Lorenzo would definitely try to buy Dana out. While I personally wouldn't give a shit if Dana is a full blown racist, the sponsors will.
UFC have no public image to upkeep.

I mean that Bang Me Bro guy and Andy Wang? C'mon. There is no image they are protecting cause the public sees mma as mainly those types of guys
Mma already has a human cockfighting image to John Q. Public .
Can Pouya Rebek imitate Dana?

If so, Bjorn may have a business offer.
Didn't he toss out ********* once and no one batted an eye? I could see him catching some crap for a joke or just a poor choice of words, but he does not seem to be a straight racist. I think he would just apologize and it would just go away.
If Dana pulled a Sterling his supporters would laud him for "keeping it real"