Yea that’s him saying after he lost to Rickson he then had a third match against Helio though that was only grappling when he let Norris mount him and still tap him out , he didn’t fight any Gracie in the 80”s …..that’s a false .
You dont know what your talking about , Norris repeadily challenged the Gracie system in the early 90”s . He clearly says after he lost to Rickson he felt like he never trained bf then went on to other Gracie’s but in a grappling manner like Helio bc that was just a demonstration. Your entire story here is just false , mine is actually real ….so ?
If you don’t think I can’t do my own research your obviously wrong , the funny thing is I knew more about the Gracie’s then Ken Shamrock and I was 20 yrs old in community college. Lol
Pillhead died in his side piece's home. I'd hardly call that smart.Interesting topic, I think he was too smart/wise to tarnish his reputation if he lived to be an old man.
Pillhead died in his side piece's home. I'd hardly call that smart.
Man, I'd give anyone a pass during that time. Idgaf what you do to your body but to have a cult following like he's Carlson Gracie is mind no one is perfect. I heard he loved his blow as well.
Bruce was an intelligent dude. No way he stays a pawn for movie execs. That guy would have grown far beyond being an actor or martial arts guy.People who die young never get the chance to disgrace themselves as they age.
I mean, look at how fondly everyone remembers Kurt Cobain. That would probably be different if he lived long enough to start making crappy music and doing deodorant commercials.
So let's talk about Bruce Lee. If he were still alive, how tarnished would his legacy be?
Would he have continued to do movies into his old age like Jackie Chan? How would he respond to the constant questions about the UFC and how he could've done in it?
Would he be in the expendables movies?
Or would he be selling "Bruce Lee's learn to fight in 14 days" online courses?
Shit we'd get Lee vs Trump in the presidential race. Using his movies as slogans.It's possible he would have shifted towards motivating the masses of youngsters to have good character and then become some political leader.
i don't believe you can't do your own research and your idea of "challenge" is yours, I don't believe chuck challenged or was challenged: