If all dogs and cats went to war who would win?

What are the toughest dogs? Wolves, maybe? Do hyenas count as dogs?

Either way, cats win because they have lions and tigers and ligers and other big cats.

Bears are not dogs, they're not even related.

They're closer in relation than dogs are to hyenas. Hyenas closest relative is the mongoose and aardwolf (which is not a canine despite the name).

Hyenas are not members of the dog or cat families. Instead, they are so unique that they have a family all their own, Hyaenidae. There are four members of the Hyaenidae family: the striped hyena, the “giggly” spotted hyena, the brown hyena, and the aardwolf (it's a hyena, not a wolf).

https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/striped-hyena#:~:text=Hyenas are not members of,hyena, not a wolf).
You got two trees of predators dog-like or cat-like. These trees are so broad dog-like includes sea lions.
Dogs got much better teamwork. Ever seen a pack of wild African dogs hunt? They're absolutely ruthless and hunt like clockwork.

Individually, cats are way ahead. Much faster, more explosive, more weapons, etc. 8-pound cats regularly fuck up 50 pound dogs.

A 100-pound leopard or cougar would absolutely murder any similar sized canine.
I’m still yet to hear a breakdown of how cats could win, other than having a relatively small group of elite predators, and generally being better 1v1 when size is comparable. A few thousand big cats isn’t going to be a game-changer when we’re talking on scales of hundreds of millions IMO.
I've seen my dog wreck 2 cats at the same time. It was sad but it happened. Dog's win this fight easy
Cats are predominantly loners. Yes lions have pride, but tigers, leopards, panthers and domesticated cats are all lone-wolves (no pun intended). Dogs can organize into packs.
Never seen a dog the size of a lion, tiger, mountain lion.
I think that dogs will win, because they are physically stronger than cats.
Cats easily

Canines are mindless brutes. Numbers and size can only do so much....

What would win...20 Tim Sylvia's vs 10 Anderson Silva's?

Answers obvious.
i never met a cat that was as good as anderson silva
Dogs easily. The only cats that work/live as a group are lions. There are more than enough canines to overcome the felines.

If I could give the dogs advice/be their general, I'd actually let the wild canines like coyotes take out the house cats and use large, domestic dogs built for hunting/fighting (Dogos, Corsos, Banddogs, Pits, pastoral Shepard's, etc.) to go after the lions, tigers, etc.
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Not really. Think of all the advantages cats have. For instance, dogs can barely even climb. They can be vicious, but they're pretty dumb and simply not on the evolutionary scale that cats are. All they have is their pack mentality. In the wild, dogs are essentially scrappy bums who rarely pick on other predators. They're just simple bullies. Meanwhile, big cats are at the point where they're hunting Crocodiles.

Dogs don't stand a chance.

Not only that but outside of domesticated cats, most varieties of cats would fuck up most varieties of dogs.