Things are usually a little blurry when it gets to the latter parts of UFC events for me these days so I kind of forget a lot of what goes on. I'm watching the replay of the Neal/Shav fight and Shav seems to have some sloppy tendencies. He gets hit A LOT.
His chin is in the air most of the time and he drops his hands too much in the mid to close ranges, particularly when he's transitioning from striking to the clinch. His footwork is a bit clunky and he's pretty slow to close the distance. Neal caught him with straights several times as he was coming in with a wide guard and his chin up. That's pretty much Garry's bread and butter except he has faster hands, a longer reach and some nasty knees.
I still think Shavkat might outdog him but I reckon he's got to get some early damage in or it's going to be a very tough night for him.