I swear...modding MMA Disc. is going to kill me!


Fanged Toothed Fukker
Dec 17, 2001
Reaction score
I don't remember a few years ago, the noobs being THIS fuckin' naive!

Christ! I can feel the grey hairs forming as I move and delete insipid shit!
And I'm numb from drinking!

I guess the bigger MMA gets, the more oxygen deprived individuals we get in and out.

You guys should read some of this stuff...it's almost funny!
Switch your mod status over to off-topic. You'd fit in nicely and are welcome as far as I'm concerned.
Oh dear, plz don't tell me that. I mean I haven't gone there in a bit. But I'm going to go look now. I hope your just having a bad night. :(
Originally posted by FightTilYouDie
Switch your mod status over to off-topic. You'd fit in nicely and are welcome as far as I'm concerned.

Only way to do that would be if I was a "Senior Moderator."

But I can't do that because I just couldn't handle that WHITE font clashing with my avatar!:p
Dude. You're preaching to the chior. The people in Off-Topic all started off in the MMA section and got tired of it. I haven't been here years like some others but when I first got here the MMA discussion was great. Now I feel sick when I read some of the stuff. It's just not the place to be.
I know why I stay here now lol. There Are some bone heads in the MMA forum. :rolleyes:
People always said I was arrogant for bashing the newbs and criticizing the MMA forum but just check it out for a few minutes. You'll understand the true horror of this forum. I'd rather hang out in the Rickson forum than MMA at this point...I'm not sure I can stare at another 'Do you think Tank drinks before fighting' thread without vomitting.
There's just no common sense with the lot of them!

Look, I'm not generally a noob basher, but there is a difference in asking a rational question because you simply don't know the rules or disciplines...etc., to asking "if you used a time machine...prime Royce and bring him back to the present....vs. Bob Sapp? Old UFC rules?"

Sabre. Break out your bannin' stick and just randomly take out stupid people until you have people FEAR asking such questions. Every time you hear 'Does Takada fight works'. That should be a ban, no questions asked. Let's get some order here. Fear is the only medium that we can utilize in hopes of curing ourselves of this plague.
Originally posted by VOD
People always said I was arrogant for bashing the newbs and criticizing the MMA forum but just check it out for a few minutes. You'll understand the true horror of this forum. I'd rather hang out in the Rickson forum than MMA at this point...I'm not sure I can stare at another 'Do you think Tank drinks before fighting' thread without vomitting.

I've yet to see the Rickson forum. Do you actually go into there? If so, tell me, just how bad is it?
I've never been in there. This is the only forum I dare step foot in. I get annoyed when some idiot links me to the MMA forum. I just feel dirty after entering the place. Stay here. Don't stray from us. This is where you belong.
Originally posted by Tiki

I've yet to see the Rickson forum. Do you actually go into there? If so, tell me, just how bad is it?

Never gone in there I can proudly say, too scared of what my fragile mind may read!

...and I'm supposed to mod that stupid forum! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

*Off the record, heh, that forum was the worst idea to come from this site!
Fanfare and preconceived myth for a guy who doesn't even fight! Silly, only further hammers home that he's some "legend!"*

I wonder if that's fighter bashing? Like I give a fuck.

You might be onto something VOD...
Sabre. That's not the worst idea ever concieved. I haven't been around the MMA forum lately but it was fucking littered with Rickson posts while I was there. 'Rickson vs an Apache helicopter, who wins?' and bullshit like that. I think it was semi-created as a joke but other than that if it takes a few of the Rickson threads out of the goddamn MMA forum then it's not that bad of an idea.
I venture forth to MMA once in awhile, but I must say, I'm scared to see what is in the Rickson forum. I think that I'll stick mostly to OT, unless I get courage in a bottle, and then venture forth to the uncharted areas.
Pack your wit in your napsack and show the new folk what it's like to really throw a zinger at someone. Grab your bag and venture off my friend, it's a long road ahead of you if you're planning on heading out there. Courage in a bottle? You'll need a little but try to keep yourself coherant. If you get really inebriated they might take you for one of their own. If they surround you, pop the cyanide pill because you were dead the minute you entered their world.
Me thinks I've formulated a plan. One night in the not too distant future, I'll get rather intoxicated, and then venture forth to their area, to become one of them. IF I find myself still shaking my head at their lack of wit and intelligence, I may even try coming back to OT whilst drunk. But, I know my wit and intelligence dies out when I drink, so I may just save face and stay in the outer realms until sober. Hmmmm. I see a new adventure for me. How charming.
Originally posted by Tiki
Me thinks I've formulated a plan. One night in the not too distant future, I'll get rather intoxicated, and then venture forth to their area, to become one of them. IF I find myself still shaking my head at their lack of wit and intelligence, I may even try coming back to OT whilst drunk. But, I know my wit and intelligence dies out when I drink, so I may just save face and stay in the outer realms until sober. Hmmmm. I see a new adventure for me. How charming.

It's funnier stoned!

You have no idea how BADLY I want to get nuked right now!:cool:
Originally posted by VOD
Sabre. That's not the worst idea ever concieved. I haven't been around the MMA forum lately but it was fucking littered with Rickson posts while I was there. 'Rickson vs an Apache helicopter, who wins?' and bullshit like that. I think it was semi-created as a joke but other than that if it takes a few of the Rickson threads out of the goddamn MMA forum then it's not that bad of an idea.

Actually Vod, Rickson vs A helicopter was an actual thread in the Rickson discussion forum. Here are ACTUAL threads right now in the Rickson discussion forum(If you don't believe me, just check it out for yourself):

Rickson vs. f-16 fighter jet

Rickson vs A hurricane

Rickson vs Hitler and the panzers

3 yr. old Rickson vs. bob sapp

Rickson on elimidate

Rickson vs Britney Spears

Rickson vs 10 guys at the same time

Rickson knew who actually killed Kennedy

Rickson vs cast of Dragonball

Rickson vs GOD

Rickson vs. Evil cyborg Rickson

Rickson vs India

Rickson vs. Chillious(I forgive Chillious for that one:) )