I just witnessed one of the greatest little league sporting moments of my life

while in youth wrestling i watched and cheered on a lot of kids who had been getting their butts kicked literally and figuratively for a long time start to kick ass and it still warms my soul to think about
I still remember reading this book as a kid where one of the players hit a home run every single at bat because an alien gave him powers or something.
I struck out 15 batters in a little league game once. Pinnacle of my sporting career.

I could throw harder than anyone and had a good slider/curve.

Problem is I was never able to throw any harder than that.

You probably could have went pro if you were born a different time because back in the day pitch speed didn't matter nearly as much.
i kicked a ball once.
He actually has an advantage. You just have to wait until they get older and develop the special strength.
I was a terrible ball player. I was a good hockey player who went on to play in the QMJHL later on so I presume the coaches picked me in hopes that I’d figure it out like I did hockey. I didn’t. Played two seasons and hated it. I sucked.

I asked my dad if I was the worst payer on our team once and he said no but only listed one player he thought was worse than me. Lol. Brad, if you’re seeing this sorry but I think my dad was right.
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I've coached softball for years now. The best moments from every year are typically from the worst players doing something unexpected. I'd say my biggest triumph this year was having a 10 year old that has never stuck with any sport who is now pretty decent. We just beat a 12u all star team with 6 10u players (including her) and only 3 12u players. She caught a line drive at second and I almost cried lol.
I went to a major football college,,,my friend was friends with one of the two tight ends that fought for playing time with each other and both eventually went on to play in the NFL. the tight ends hated each other because they split time and one was white and one was black,,,,,

fast forward to the finals of intramural basketball championships. My friends and his tight end teammate are playing against the other tight ends team. Also on my friends team was a scrappy little 5 5 144lbs soaking wet point guard. Late in the hotly contested game, the opposing teams tight end, 6 5 245lbs pro athlete level breaks free for a layup but 5 5 145 slides in front of him, takes the charge, and goes skipping then slides about 15 feet across the floor and into the wall from the impact and size mismatch.

The entire gym goes crazy and the other team's tight end takes the basketball hums it the length of the court and curses the ref in frustration,,,,picking up a technical.....my friends team wins, and I will always consider that little kid taking that charge from that future nfl starter, one of the bravest things I've seen live in sports .

Basketball is not a contact game like the football codes but there are things in the game (like taking charges) that take balls that's for sure.

I think it was Joe Dumars that took a charge on Barkley at the Olympic tryouts in their year, fuck that ha ha
My son is 8 (but he's tall and built, looks like he is 11) and played ball for the first time this year. He's an athletic kid (plays hockey, soccer and swims) so he normally picks up sports pretty fast.

We live in a small rural town, and there wasn't enough players for a u11 team, so the coaches got together and decided to bump all of the u9 players up, and have all the kids play u11.

So now my kid is playing a sport he hasn't played before, with all of 9,10 year olds that have played ball for a few years.

Now the coaches also didn't want to waste any time practicing so they cut all the practices and just scheduled more games, because of the older players.

My boy did ok considering, but needed work on his throwing and batting because he's never played ball before, so we would spend evenings practicing the best we could with the time we had. No pitching machine, which would have helped him so much!

Gets up to bat the first time and boom. Strikes out haha. Couldn't hit the ball for shit. That happens a couple of times and he's getting pretty frustrated.

Then he got walked. Ok cool he's excited to be on base.
Then the next guy gets walked, and he's on second. Now he's even more excited. The back catcher misses the ball and the base coach gets him to steal third. Now he is really pumped up, at the potential of scoring. The game is 0-0 at this time.
Next batter comes up and gets walked, so now there are loaded bases. Coach tells him to run if the ball gets hit.
Next batter up, gets a full count, and gets walked.

My boy just goes tearing in to home base as fast as he can. Super big grin on his face and met with cheers from the other young guys on his team, because he scored the first run on the game. At that point my boy might have just won the world series, that's how proud he was!

Rest of the season he got better, but didn't hit a ball all season. Although he was as big or even bigger than some of the kids that were two years older than him, some of those kids could pitch pretty well, and we just didn't get enough hitting practice in.
My son is 8 (but he's tall and built, looks like he is 11) and played ball for the first time this year. He's an athletic kid (plays hockey, soccer and swims) so he normally picks up sports pretty fast.

We live in a small rural town, and there wasn't enough players for a u11 team, so the coaches got together and decided to bump all of the u9 players up, and have all the kids play u11.

So now my kid is playing a sport he hasn't played before, with all of 9,10 year olds that have played ball for a few years.

Now the coaches also didn't want to waste any time practicing so they cut all the practices and just scheduled more games, because of the older players.

My boy did ok considering, but needed work on his throwing and batting because he's never played ball before, so we would spend evenings practicing the best we could with the time we had. No pitching machine, which would have helped him so much!

Gets up to bat the first time and boom. Strikes out haha. Couldn't hit the ball for shit. That happens a couple of times and he's getting pretty frustrated.

Then he got walked. Ok cool he's excited to be on base.
Then the next guy gets walked, and he's on second. Now he's even more excited. The back catcher misses the ball and the base coach gets him to steal third. Now he is really pumped up, at the potential of scoring. The game is 0-0 at this time.
Next batter comes up and gets walked, so now there are loaded bases. Coach tells him to run if the ball gets hit.
Next batter up, gets a full count, and gets walked.

My boy just goes tearing in to home base as fast as he can. Super big grin on his face and met with cheers from the other young guys on his team, because he scored the first run on the game. At that point my boy might have just won the world series, that's how proud he was!

Rest of the season he got better, but didn't hit a ball all season. Although he was as big or even bigger than some of the kids that were two years older than him, some of those kids could pitch pretty well, and we just didn't get enough hitting practice in.

Just curious - is he swinging late, early, over, under, or all of the above?
Just curious - is he swinging late, early, over, under, or all of the above?
Pretty much all of the above haha. We were just getting his stance all figured out to where the bat was swinging across the plate properly by the time the season ended.

The real issue was, he wasn't used to where the ball should be when to swing. So his swing would be good, but he would be swinging when it was way too far outside of the plate, shit like that.

We just needed more time for him to get used to that, and someone that's a better pitcher pitching at him than me. I can't pitch worth a damn!
I’d score that as a “reached on error”, not a legitimate hit.
fucking LOL!

My 15 year old son plays, and we were at a tournament a few weeks back and made it to the bronze metal game. Last inning (due to time) bases loaded, 2 outs, he is at-bat. He hits a line drive to second which is fumbled and squirts into outfield. 2 runs score and the game is tied. Another parent looks at me and says "awesome hit".

I replied with basically "reached on error"
Pretty much all of the above haha. We were just getting his stance all figured out to where the bat was swinging across the plate properly by the time the season ended.

The real issue was, he wasn't used to where the ball should be when to swing. So his swing would be good, but he would be swinging when it was way too far outside of the plate, shit like that.

We just needed more time for him to get used to that, and someone that's a better pitcher pitching at him than me. I can't pitch worth a damn!

I'd do a lot of tee work with him. Moving the tee to get to outside pitches, inside pitches, high pitches, low pitches, etc. Lots of kids don't want to do tee work, but go to any hitting coach at any age and they'll have you do it. I'd also do a lot of side toss with him. Get him used to following the ball to make contact from a short distance. After that, you'll have to go to pitching which I know can be difficult depending how hard he hits them back. I'll pitch to kids from a closer distance with a tee ball. I don't mind taking a line drive with those.
I'd do a lot of tee work with him. Moving the tee to get to outside pitches, inside pitches, high pitches, low pitches, etc. Lots of kids don't want to do tee work, but go to any hitting coach at any age and they'll have you do it. I'd also do a lot of side toss with him. Get him used to following the ball to make contact from a short distance. After that, you'll have to go to pitching which I know can be difficult depending how hard he hits them back. I'll pitch to kids from a closer distance with a tee ball. I don't mind taking a line drive with those.
We will try that, thanks for the advice!
fucking LOL!

My 15 year old son plays, and we were at a tournament a few weeks back and made it to the bronze metal game. Last inning (due to time) bases loaded, 2 outs, he is at-bat. He hits a line drive to second which is fumbled and squirts into outfield. 2 runs score and the game is tied. Another parent looks at me and says "awesome hit".

I replied with basically "reached on error"

Ya, doesn’t matter if it’s a disabled or your own spawn, you can’t disrespect proper scoring in baseball.