What's crazy about this that they're so insulated they will complain about the UFC's product getting worse but not look anywhere else, instead just throwing their hands up in defeat. PFLlator has an amazing roster of fighters, 1/3rd the size but of similar quality IMO to the UFC, despite being a fraction of the size of UFC. If people actually started giving a shit about it that would only improve and suddenly there is a viable competitor. And if all you're worried about is the UFC it would also make them stop resting on their laurels which would lead to them improving their product.
Instead you get people hating on PFL because it calls it's cage the smart cage and they interview celebrities or something. That or some vague "it just feels off" sentiment that is literally just bias from viewing it through a lens of inferiority. I'm not saying there's nothing to hate on them for, there is, but people throw out the baby with the bathwater in ways they simply don't with the UFC. It's still top tier MMA.
At the end of the day you can't police fandom, though.