I am going on the Stevia lifestyle - Dan Quinn style

@Charles Manson

Just got a box of packets of generic stevia in the raw. Put some in my coffee.

Should I be worried? Am I going to KO my wife due to a panic attack?

I've tried raw stevia (green) before. It was the first thing I tried. It didn't rev me up like the extract (white) but it had a pleasant licorice-like flavor.


If you do K.O. your wife out of transcendental spiritual instinct, she wont know what or who hit her, cause your blinding handspeed will literally wind back the clock at least a few seconds, creating a time-space paradox, which would be an even bigger problem unless you have more packets ready to mentally gain control of the vortex, so have that handy nearby just in case. If anything she should be impressed, if not just slip some stevia in her coffee, then she'll have a whole new outlook on life, creating pure Hydrogen inside her like some cold fission reactor, melting other people's tumors from miles away, shredding bodyfat like some massive hopper-fed machine in the back rooms of an industrial complex. You impressing her like that will be the last thing she'll have time to worry about-- best case scenario she might reincarnate into some supra-conceptual burst of incendiary 8th dimension intelligence, so be ready to explain that to your children beforehand as well and Merry Christmas holidays to your household playa
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I've tried raw stevia (green) before. It was the first thing I tried. It didn't rev me up like the extract (white) but it had a pleasant licorice-like flavor.


If you do K.O. your wife out of transcendental spiritual instinct, she wont know what or who hit her, cause your blinding handspeed will literally wind back the clock at least a few seconds, creating a time-space paradox, which is an even bigger problem unless you snort the extract, so have that handy nearby just in case. If anything she should be impressed, if not just slip some stevia in her coffee, then she'll have a whole new outlook on life, creating pure Hydrogen inside her like some cold fission reactor, melting other people's tumors from miles away, shredding bodyfat like some massive hopper-fed machine in the backroom of a meat processing warehouse. You impressing her with your handspeed will be the last thing she'll have time to worry about
Thank you for your truthful and candid response. Something did happen. No hitting, but something so strange I must leave it in this thread so all may know and be forewarned regarding the power of Stevia.

30 minutes after I drank my Stevia my wife came out of the bedroom and called me Dan... then, almost in a funk, looked at me with crazed eyes and questioned, "Why did I call you Dan?!?!"

I am convinced there exists a "Spirit of Stevia" and it housed itself upon our dwelling the moment I consumed it. The Bible says the two shall become one flesh and what impacted me also impacted her.

The "Spirit of Stevia" must exist in the 6th dimension because I have yet to locate it. Dan Quinn is the humble prophet. Shout out to @Charles Manson for continuing in the precious work.

All Hail.
Pretty clear what happened here. For a moment the stevia bumped the spiritual amplitude of your individual cells so high that you actually manifested as Maitreya, the embodied concept of loving-kindness itself. This is an unavoidable side-effect, not to worry.
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Thank you for your truthful and candid response

I feel like I was chosen as temporary herald to spread the good knowledge.

I will, however, apologize for having held back in the scope and magnitude of my response.
I feel like I was chosen as temporary herald to spread the good knowledge.

I will, however, apologize for having held back in the scope and magnitude of my response.
Don't sell yourself short. You singlehandedly breathed life back into this thread.
30 minutes after I drank my Stevia my wife came out of the bedroom and called me Dan... then, almost in a funk, looked at me with crazed eyes and questioned, "Why did I call you Dan?!?!"

I am convinced there exists a "Spirit of Stevia" and it housed itself upon our dwelling the moment I consumed it. The Bible says the two shall become one flesh and what impacted me also impacted her.

Did you play the violin on her and play that clit like a swizzle stick flute?
This is the post of the thread in my opinion.
Great summary and your snorting experience was hilarious to read.
I got a couple of PMs about my bloody one with the posted picture.
That was 100% real.
I snorted it aswell, not the most enjoyable experience, the fine powder finely coats the inside of your nostrils and is hell to remove
I snorted it aswell, not the most enjoyable experience, the fine powder finely coats the inside of your nostrils and is hell to remove

Ouch, it's no wonder Dan let out some curse words right after he snorted it.
I bought generic brand stevia from Walmart, tried 3 packs mixed in with water should I be having caffeine with it because it didn't seem to do much?
I bought generic brand stevia from Walmart, tried 3 packs mixed in with water should I be having caffeine with it because it didn't seem to do much?

The stuff that "works" is the refined 90%+ extract. It's white instead of green.

Znatural foods has the good stuff, playa.
The stuff that "works" is the refined 90%+ extract. It's white instead of green.

Znatural foods has the good stuff, playa.

Did you see the video Dan posted last year where he was ranting about Alan from Emperors Herbologist and their stevia? It was hilarious, he was accusing Alan of selling him "defective shit."

If you read down in the comments section, Emperors Herbologist responded with the following:
"Dan Quinn, is insane. His MOTHER, not Dan ordered JAJA Stevioside and due to the quantity she ordered (10 kg) we gave her wholesale price. We shipped her what we promised... PURE PRODUCT! Nothing added. This happened while Dan was in jail. Dan gets out, and starts complaining because JAJA Stevioside taken in massive doses is not giving people Diarrhea, and said he found another product that does give people Diarrhea. Than he started calling and kept calling almost daily threatening, swearing at us, telling us out product was defective because it did NOT give people Diarrhea."

Hilarious stuff

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Dan's still getting spun to the gills and dropping the n-bomb, life's good ny miggas
I wanted to bump this thread to let everyone know that I've started the stevia lifestyle. I bought a bag on Amazon, and I mixed up a bottle of the pure. Thanks to @Charles Manson for his water bottle method, and for this magnificent thread.

The stuff I bought tastes terrible, but that may be because it isn't Znatural and, thus, lacks the imprimatur of Dan Quinn.
I wanted to bump this thread to let everyone know that I've started the stevia lifestyle. I bought a bag on Amazon, and I mixed up a bottle of the pure. Thanks to @Charles Manson for his water bottle method, and for this magnificent thread.

The stuff I bought tastes terrible, but that may be because it isn't Znatural and, thus, lacks the imprimatur of Dan Quinn.

I see the violin being played on some fine female in the near future!
@TheGZA welcome aboard, playa.
You should try out Znatural to get well spun.

@wellz6 and @TheGZA make sure to type in "violin" on pornhbu - I uploaded the video that got taken down quickly of Dan giving lessons on a very lucky black goddess
And a little update on the man himself.
Someone posted a list of people in custody in Sacramento, recently.
Maitreya himself was one of the lucky ones.
He was kind enough to take a car for the owner to test out if it was not needing a repair. The owner lied that Dan had stolen it.

This was in the middle of December. I think that his court hearing was a couple of days ago. I don't know how it went, but I'm sure Dan tore them a new one.
And a little update on the man himself.
Someone posted a list of people in custody in Sacramento, recently.
Maitreya himself was one of the lucky ones.
He was kind enough to take a car for the owner to test out if it was not needing a repair. The owner lied that Dan had stolen it.

This was in the middle of December. I think that his court hearing was a couple of days ago. I don't know how it went, but I'm sure Dan tore them a new one.

Too bad Dan was already in jail at the time of his hearing otherwise he could have brought a camera in his bag again and told the judge he snorts stevia.