I accidentally ate a moldy slice of wheat bread..

This is what will happen to you.

Hopefully, you'll die.
TS is going to take a dump before this thread does.
That mold can fuck you up.

Google it.
I'll make a thread in honor of your memory.
you will feel it in a couple of days
That's nothing, TS. This one time I had a piece of popcorn stuck in my teeth for two weeks...
You should be fine. Heck, if you had a bacterial infection of some sort, you might actually have felt better! :icon_lol:
It will grow inside you and your ass will sprout cucumbers and shit, and probably AIDS too. Anyway you iz deed.
youll be alright.

i do that all the time.

one time i ate raw hamburger meat because it had turned brown in the fridge and it was late and i had just piled some cheese on it and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

im still here, and im still queer. get used to it
damn those green molds! they taste sweet though..
i remember accidentally doing the same thing when I was a kid.

Not dead yet so all is good.
Seems mushrooms and fungi are taking over.

So lets get some photos going and start paying homage to our new overlords.






the tv was on, actually im skinny.

to give everyone an update, I'm still alive :D or am I not out of the woods yet?

The spores are sneaky little bastards, they will wait until you least expect it then


You'll shit yourself so hard you will turn inside out
lol well some molds can fuck you up. Some won't bother you much.I doubt it would cause you to die though.

There was some moldy rye bread that caused an outbreak of hallucinations one time. So if that happens, enjoy the trip.
just take some peptobismol and hope for the best