hyperextended knee

BJJ Coffee Drinker

Amateur Fighter
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
about a month ago, i was throwing high teeps(push kicks) to the face. i missed one and felt something pop. it didnt hurt that day and i kept training. it didnt hurt untl the day afyer, into a sparring session i threw a round kick with that leg. then sharp pain came in. 2 weeks later, i fought with it. i missed a kick with that leg and it hurt again after the fight. its been healing ok but it still feels quite weak when i straighten it but i havent kicked with it. it only hurts if i miss with the kick. if it connects, i rarely feel much. itsbeen taking longer than expected to heal so what are some things i could do to help it out?
You should see a doctor first and foremost cause you may have damaged your meniscus.

If this is the case, you may want to sit out a week or two (at the very least) and start slowly again.

I've been fighting with an injured meniscus for about 7 years now, and recently it went to hell and I had to have a 6 week break from training, and felt pain at every step. It still feels quite weak and I have to take care of it.

Don't mess with your knees. They don't forgive.
yeah it can be the meniscus and that's something you should take care of/after(my english isn't so great)
it can be a little bit torn and if you do not let it heal you will have problems for the rest of your fighting career

If you let it heal it can be over in about two or three weeks

and docters are always the best people to go to with these kind of problems!
It depends which part of the meniscus is injured. The inner portion has circulation and heals quickly but the outer portion doesnt. I would just rest for at least 2 weeks, if you have to train dont use that leg, just throw punches or lift weights with your upper body. Also take Glucosamine Sulfate vitamins. They help rebuild damaged cartilage.
Go to a doctor. That is the most important thing right now.
it doesn't hurt at all when i do other stuff. i can still train painfree except i cannot throw round kicks with that leg. if i miss, that is the only time it hurts. also, if i point my toes toward my knee then try to straightne it completely, it feels like normal only if i point the toes away from the knee it will hurt. does this seem like a torn ligament or anyhting?
ASiAnVaLEtUDo said:
it doesn't hurt at all when i do other stuff. i can still train painfree except i cannot throw round kicks with that leg. if i miss, that is the only time it hurts. also, if i point my toes toward my knee then try to straightne it completely, it feels like normal only if i point the toes away from the knee it will hurt. does this seem like a torn ligament or anyhting?
Don't ask strangers on Sherdog, ask a doctor.
On the knee subject, though it's not a standup injury: I hurt my left knee rolling BJJ last night, not too bad, but the left knee joint is really sore and stiff below the kneecap and slightly to the right. I'm icing it right now. Any idea what the specific injury might be? It's very sore and stiff, but does not feel weak, and is only swelling a little (I'm icing it as much as I can).

its cool even tho it aint a standup injury cause a knee injury is an injury. how exactly did u hurt it? i got something similar to what u got by hitting my knee into the ground while doing takedowns. unless it constanty hurts like crazy or something is off place, it will probably heal with some rest.
Zankou said:
On the knee subject, though it's not a standup injury: I hurt my left knee rolling BJJ last night, not too bad, but the left knee joint is really sore and stiff below the kneecap and slightly to the right. I'm icing it right now. Any idea what the specific injury might be? It's very sore and stiff, but does not feel weak, and is only swelling a little (I'm icing it as much as I can).


Sounds like a medial meniscus tear if it is to the right on yor left knee. If it is swelling you might want to go to a doctor and have an MRI just to check it out. Do you have any problems bending your kneecap? Or extending your leg?