Law Florida HOA bans homeowner from parking (overnight parking) his pickup in his driveway .

Never forget the guy that built a new fence with this cool paint job because having his boat exposed in his driveway was against the city code.


lol what a legend!
Gotta deal with this crap here in the beach cities of SoCal
- How can this thing be street legal?
They passed several security rules in the 90', that killed small builders of cars, and this abomination pass a stability test?
- By parking on a drive way. You guys mean inside in the guy property ou outside in the sidewalk?
I feel like HOA’s are one of the few topics that can unite the forum

Fuck HOA's... Seriously, they can fuck right off

And they always attract the worst assholes on the planet to run them. The type of asshole that enjoys walking through neighborhoods and picking out violations.

They make sense in townhouse or condo complexes when neighbors have to share roofs, building structures, yards, etc....

But they somehow spilled into neighborhoods always have the worst people on the planet running them.

$943 for a HOA fee....

No wonder it won't sell.

Some of these HOA's are unreal...

God... could post HOA nightmares all day. So glad I don't live in
Basically a ban on working-class people living in the community. It's just funny now because like 90% of truck owners these days are dorks who work in a office but want to feel 'badass.'

I'm with you on the first sentence, this is to keep working class people from living there.

On your second sentence, where I'm at 80% of guys on my block with an oversized pickup are contractors or retired contractors and about half of them have campers to tow as well.
- By parking on a drive way. You guys mean inside in the guy property ou outside in the sidewalk?
It's the little chunk of concrete/asphalt/gravel outside in-between the street and your house leading to your garage
Lol at not being able to park in your own driveway.

What gives HOAs their power? What happens if you don't listen to them and do what you want? Does the government get involved?

An HOA is so foreign a concept to me, it seems absurd.
[not limited to HOAs]


[not limited to HOAs]


Murder seems righteous in these cases.

Would acquit.
Pick ups should be fine, but when dudes bring home dump trucks, 18 Wheelers, or a flat bed with a front end loader parked on it, you do not pay for an HOA to see that shit.
Most HOA's have that law, because most people are habitual line steppers. They start with pick up, then park the giant ass truck that nobody can get around shortly after, and say he just this one time and pretty soon there is two big ass trucks. One of the reasons to have an HOA is to protect your property value from line steppers.
Couldn't they just get trucks that fit in their garages ? .

That piddly little thing will fly like a football when smacked by our full size trucks and large SUVs. Those things are fine in Japan and Europe, where vehicles are smaller, roads are narrower and everything is tightly packed. Out here they only really make sense on a campus, in dense urban areas, farms and manufacturing premises. Not a good idea on our freeways.