How would you react to this aggressive sales tactic?


Aug 15, 2015
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I received an unsolicited piece of mail from a furniture company a week back and in it the sales person says "I have set aside next Tuesday at 10am to speak to you about our offerings and will be calling you to discuss".

I never paid attention to it as I had never met or talked to this sales, rep nor their company and was not looking for office furniture.

Anyway I forget it about and on Tuesday this week our office secretary comes and interrupts us in an internal meeting telling me that my 10am Call that I had scheduled is on hold. I have no recollection of setting up a call but do not want to leave someone hanging if I did so I excuse myself. When i take the call it is the furniture guy. Flustered I immediately tell him I do not appreciate this tactic and he should not have told the secretary I had scheduled this call when I did not. I state I find this approach very unprofessional and do not appreciate it.

He immediately gets defensive and states he notified me he would be calling and at this time and if I did not want to speak then I should have contacted him back and let him know.

I told him I am under no obligation to reply in any manner to any of the unsolicited mail, emails or calls I get and that there should be no assumption that anyone needs to call you back to tell you they are not interested. I told him his approach was presumptive and obnoxious.

He then said 'he respects my opinion but I am wrong' and then hung up.

What say you sherbro's? Is this type of sales approach acceptable? I literally get dozens of unsolicited contacts a week. Should they all take this tact it cold require me spending hours a week contacting them to say I am not interested and to cancel the expected call.

I was going to fill the phone receiver with upper cuts had he not hung up on me.
Not only is it not acceptable, but I can’t imagine it’s all that effective, especially for furniture sales. That dude can fuck off.
Take down some of the contact details for these companies, and then whenever you receive unsolicited communications, just tell them you've got a new number / email and give them the contact details of one of the people who have angered you.
Write the CEO of the company. He’s the guy who likely makes that tactic policy. Tell him what you told the sales rep.
And don’t give out your work number so easily that a funiture guy can call you and disturb you.

I still have a land line at home. There is t even a phone hooked up to it, whenever I am ask d for my number on stuff that’s what they get.

No unsolited sales calls for me
Who gets cucked by Herb from the furniture emporium?
That's shit sales technique. I would be upset.

If I get sales calls I don't want I just say "hang on a minute there's someone at the front door" I then just return to what I was doing and put the phone down 10min later.

I don't get sales calls much anymore.
When i have cold callers/sales people call me on the phone, I say : "I'm not interested. Bye" and hang up. Unsolicited email and the like i just don't reply to and delete it on sight.
Write the CEO of the company. He’s the guy who likely makes that tactic policy. Tell him what you told the sales rep.
i thought about calling the guys boss but m'eh I don't want to get him fired over this. Maybe he gets the hint and changes his way otherwise I am sure someone will call his boss.

And don’t give out your work number so easily that a funiture guy can call you and disturb you.

I still have a land line at home. There is t even a phone hooked up to it, whenever I am ask d for my number on stuff that’s what they get.

No unsolited sales calls for me
Ya unfortunately my contact info (name, email and company address) is all over the web since our company is quasi public and we have investors, and the Board feels we need that type of transparency. So I get tons of unsolicited emails and contact attempts as I am sure the internet Spiders have all combed my info and sold it to the various data bases.
i thought about calling the guys boss but m'eh I don't want to get him fired over this. Maybe he gets the hint and changes his way otherwise I am sure someone will call his boss.

Ya unfortunately my contact info (name, email and company address) is all over the web since our company is quasi public and we have investors, and the Board feels we need that type of transparency. So I get tons of unsolicited emails and contact attempts as I am sure the internet Spiders have all combed my info and sold it to the various data bases.

You need to call his boss or someone higher up, outline exactly what happened and how he disturbed you in an important meeting and disrupted your work.

And you nor anyone you associate with will ever do business with them.

It is your moral imperative to do so to help others not get drug out of meetings for bs like this.
I would have the office assistant to ask the salesperson to have a seat and wait, that I'd be right there. I would never show up.

Here's one I got last week. Telemarketer calls asks for Ms. Pops. I'm like "who you?", him "from Scotiabank about your car laon". Me "well, I guess this is legit". Give phone to my wife and he's like "you qualify for a line of crdiet since you've never missed a car payment and your car loan is almost up". Me: triggered! Fucker lied and tricked me.
I would have just hung up. I don't waste my time on that shit.
I would have the office assistant to ask the salesperson to have a seat and wait, that I'd be right there. I would never show up.

Here's one I got last week. Telemarketer calls asks for Ms. Pops. I'm like "who you?", him "from Scotiabank about your car laon". Me "well, I guess this is legit". Give phone to my wife and he's like "you qualify for a line of crdiet since you've never missed a car payment and your car loan is almost up". Me: triggered! Fucker lied and tricked me.
He phoned in.

You need to call his boss or someone higher up, outline exactly what happened and how he disturbed you in an important meeting and disrupted your work.

And you nor anyone you associate with will ever do business with them.

It is your moral imperative to do so to help others not get drug out of meetings for bs like this.
I get where you are coming from and am thinking about it as i have the mailer with the full company contact info.

I would have just hung up. I don't waste my time on that shit.
Had I been sitting at my desk and just answered that is what I would have done.

Since the secretary told him I was in a meeting and he said he we had a scheduled call which she then came and got me out of, i wanted him to know how improper that was.
I’ll call the manager on some ol bullshit. If someone disrespects me like that, I’ll cost them their job in a heartbeat. Call me at work, pull me out of a meeting on some contrivance, THEN tell me my opinion is wrong ? Bitch, what ? Your boy don’t play.

And, if he is just following store procedure, then he won’t get fired for it.
He phoned in.

I get where you are coming from and am thinking about it as i have the mailer with the full company contact info.

Had I been sitting at my desk and just answered that is what I would have done.

Since the secretary told him I was in a meeting and he said he we had a scheduled call which she then came and got me out of, i wanted him to know how improper that was.

This is the reason you need to contact their higher ups, if anything they will understand how unprofessional that is and would not want the same happening to them.
the problem is not as much the tactic as it is his lack of honesty. If he had said he sent a prior communication about the meeting and you didn't confirm but he wanted to see if you were available to discuss etc. he may have had better results. however there are a lot of sales roles that when they are not making quota they at least have to have customer contact to not get fired. In this case he effectively has 2 way communication with a potential client. it depends on the metric the person is measured on. All that being said i would not recommend that tactic to anyone.
Pull out your revolver and fire it in the air.