How to recover when winded in match

Vilo Magee

Brown Belt
Professional Fighter
Nov 9, 2004
Reaction score
Alot of guys get exhausted no matter what shape they are in a tough match wether it is MMA, Boxing or whatever. Well there are ways to recover through breathing and although youmay not fully recover it might get you through the round if you master the right technique.
So first I will show you how to practice it
Sit up straight on a chair and place both of your hands on you stomach.

Breathe in through your nose if you are doing it right you should feel your stomach expand and move outward I aim to look like a little kid who is doing the budha belly lol. this inhalation should take 3-5 seconds

When you feel like you have fully inhaled, breathe in a little more almost like an extra gulp of air. Then stop a second then one more little inhalation. The reason is it will expand your lung capacity a whole bunch

Now exhale slowly out of your mouth with a slight AHH sound. This exhalation should last a little longer than the inhalation.

Now obvoiusly some of you are saying how the fuck am I going to do this in a fight well it can be done. i will explain my technique and then you can figure out what works for you.
For example lets say I am fighting a guy who is a brawler and i get him pinned on the ropes I flurry with 8 punches then he clinches me well right now is time to use the technique even if the inhalation is a short one 1-2 second then a short gulp then blow it out maybe a 4 second ordeal but now I am recharged a little.
I also use it when I am on the outside especially in later rounds i will jab a few times then inhale move inhale move then exhale attack. i hope that makes sense
To get used to doing this try it while you are running or doing cardio-get yourself nearly out of breathe then use this technique and I guarantee you will recharge or at least collect your breathe.
Any questions mistunderstandings please ask or feel free to criticize
i do the exact same thing...

that's pretty weird...

i do hold it at the top before exhaling though. i hold for about a quarter of a second...
The technique works excellant for me in whether i am on the heavybag, running or sparring. alot of people dont know how to do it so maybe this will help them out.
Something cool you could do is explain your technique and how you use or when you use it maybe that will clarify for some
i just suck as much wind as i can up through my nose and mouth at the same time, hold it at the top for a second, attempt to get a little more, then slowly let all of it out through the mouth...

at the very least, i get about 5 or 6 seconds of recharge...
Polynikes said:
i just suck as much wind as i can up through my nose and mouth at the same time, hold it at the top for a second, attempt to get a little more, then slowly let all of it out through the mouth...

at the very least, i get about 5 or 6 seconds of recharge...

It isn't possible to breathe in through your mouth and nose at the same time is it??
LCDforMe said:
It isn't possible to breathe in through your mouth and nose at the same time is it??


ok, do you know what a nasopharengeal (sp) tube is? it's a tube they put into your nose that goes down into your throat so you can breathe...

yes you can do both at the same time....
Polynikes said:

ok, do you know what a nasopharengeal (sp) tube is? it's a tube they put into your nose that goes down into your throat so you can breathe...

yes you can do both at the same time....

i thought one passageway closes up when the other one inhales air
The reason the above techniques work so well, is that whichever you use, you are controlling your breathing. wrestle a newbie hard and watch what happens, they breathe through their mouth as fast as they can. that is hyperventilating and does nothing for your recovery. rapid breathing does not leave the air mix in your lungs long enough for a transfer of oxygen into the blood and carbon monoxide out of the blood. The nose, due to its smaller capacity slows the ammount of air being taken in and if you do the little pause mentioned above, more transfrer occurs in the lungs, and you can actualy start to recharge. the next trick is to breath this way from the start.
Wild Dan Hibiki said:
i thought one passageway closes up when the other one inhales air

no, you can do both at the same time...

play around with it, you'll find it..
Polynikes said:
no, you can do both at the same time...

play around with it, you'll find it..

I've tried doing it.. tho it hurts like hell
lemme tell you guys some other stuff really quickly...

i've run some biathlons in my time. a biathlon is the race where you run, then shoot, run, then shoot, then run to the finish line...

it is the summer version of pentathlon, and pentathlon is the olympic sport where you ski instead of run...

anyways, pentathletes are world renowned for having very low resting heart rates. that isn't just b/c they train hard, they can control their hearts. i've learned some tricks from a guy that actually qualified to go to the olympics.

here's what he said: as you approach the firing line, you don't want your elevated heart rate to interfere with your shooting. so what i do, is before the race, i practice slowly letting out a huge lungfull of air. i watch my heart rate as i do it too...

when you let out a long breath of air, there will be a moment or two where your heart rate slows down considerably. watch it, you'll see what i am talking about. put on a hr monitor, and watch it. if you don't have one, use your radial artery....

anyways, during that period of slow hr, i take my shot. that is b/c the gun doesn't bounce b/c of my heart moving my arms or hands...
cool man. That looks like it should work. I'm gonna try it today on the bag and on Monday sparring and post how it works for me.

Thanx for the tip.
unfortunately it won't work if you are almost totally "gassed". At that point you almost need to call time out and rest for a minute with no action. But this technique may help you from getting to that point.
no, you can do it when you are totally gassed...

it calms me down big time...

and like i said earlier, at least for a few seconds...
O.K. ...I tired it a bit on Saturday on the heavy bag, but I didn't get too far into cuz the lag bolt that holds it in there popped out. Just a little side not, use a spade bit when drilling into a joyce to put up your bag, bit a regular 1/2 in bit. Way easier.

SO...I got my bag up proper today and did 10 rounds after my warm up jog. I did find it helped at the inbetween rounds, but I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to do this when sparring. I'll probably do a few rounds tonight, so I'll post in a couple o' days and let ya know.
redrum said:
O.K. ...I tired it a bit on Saturday on the heavy bag, but I didn't get too far into cuz the lag bolt that holds it in there popped out. Just a little side not, use a spade bit when drilling into a joyce to put up your bag, bit a regular 1/2 in bit. Way easier.

SO...I got my bag up proper today and did 10 rounds after my warm up jog. I did find it helped at the inbetween rounds, but I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to do this when sparring. I'll probably do a few rounds tonight, so I'll post in a couple o' days and let ya know.

it's for that moment when you will not be moving...

a clinch against the ropes, holding a tight guard, that "step back and breath before re-engaging," situations like that...
I am going to try this. I'm playing a stand-up comedy gig tommorrow night and i come out and start with a metal dance to Slayer's Skeletons of Society and go on with that for about 2.5 minutes. It usually takes me a bit to catch my wind before i launch into material so we'll see how it works under pressure...not quite MMA but ya know....