how often to take rest?

groin striker

Orange Belt
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ok I did search this but nothing came up, ive been lifting properly for the last few years and over the years I never really took any time off!, i recently went on holiday for the week and do nothing! when I came back I was beating my pr's and looking at lot bigger! so how often are you surposed to take a weeks rest? I heard every six weeks but that just seems to often to me!
every six weeks is generally what people say. Really it depends on how intense your training is. if you're maxing every session and working out a lot, deloading every three weeks isn't a bad Idea either.
where did you read that?
i will try 6 weeks and 3 see which works best! never used to lift heavey all the time but now I do and i feel alot more worn out.thanks!
peanut butter said:
on their site, or could i be confusing off season with rests
you could be confusing deloading sessions with working out.
why dont u just take more breaks in between workouts rather than longs spells off
because your central nervous system needs more time to recover. CNS burnout can take more than two weeks to recover from, and it's Not that these guys are overtraining to that point, but they're taxing the hell out of their bodies. A week is not a long time to take off and once you've been lifting for a while, you'll more than likely come back stronger. It's the same reason you stop lifting a week or two before a meet or fight, so you can give your body a chance to fully recover. However, since YOU don't have much time under the bar I suggest you work through the first 12 weeks without worrying about shit like that.
peanut butter said:
why dont u just take more breaks in between workouts rather than longs spells off

the most I usually take off from lifting is 3 days and usually after that i need to get back in there! But since I was forced to take rest on holiday cus there wernt a gym it just seemed to work great! it was a weeks rest by the way, think I did some press ups mid week tho
Urban said:
because your central nervous system needs more time to recover. CNS burnout can take more than two weeks to recover from, and it's Not that these guys are overtraining to that point, but they're taxing the hell out of their bodies. A week is not a long time to take off and once you've been lifting for a while, you'll more than likely come back stronger. It's the same reason you stop lifting a week or two before a meet or fight, so you can give your body a chance to fully recover. However, since YOU don't have much time under the bar I suggest you work through the first 12 weeks without worrying about shit like that.

how do u prevent that burnout then
I didn't say they reached burnout, THAT'S a symptom of overtraining. Want to avoid taxing your CNS? Don't train. Don't lift heavy, don't lift fast, give up on developing strength and power, and become either a waif or a slob and a weakling either way. I don't know why you're fighting this, cause here's what I've said: take a week off and do nothing every seventh week and you'll probably come back stronger. I mean, c'mon how great is that?! and here you are trying to figure out how you can train through it, that's just silly.

Rest is just as important as exercise. however, it's like I said before, you don't have the experience to benefit from taking a week off like this. It's something you'll come across one day just like the thread starter did. you'll be forced to take some time off and you'll come back and think "WTF? Why didn't anyone tell me to do this?" Just the fact that you're already on WSB's website means you're trying to jump in the deep end too soon.
Urban said:
I didn't say they reached burnout, THAT'S a symptom of overtraining. Want to avoid taxing your CNS? Don't train. Don't lift heavy, don't lift fast, give up on developing strength and power, and become either a waif or a slob and a weakling either way. I don't know why you're fighting this, cause here's what I've said: take a week off and do nothing every seventh week and you'll probably come back stronger. I mean, c'mon how great is that?! and here you are trying to figure out how you can train through it, that's just silly.

Rest is just as important as exercise. however, it's like I said before, you don't have the experience to benefit from taking a week off like this. It's something you'll come across one day just like the thread starter did. you'll be forced to take some time off and you'll come back and think "WTF? Why didn't anyone tell me to do this?" Just the fact that you're already on WSB's website means you're trying to jump in the deep end too soon.

fair enuff
Rest is very important. Often its far and in between in terms of people resting. People in this country tend to either don't do it or do it, but crazy. No in between. The in between is better. Rest is great, but one does not need as much "REST" as they think they need.
A week off is good. I take one every 6-8, depending on my Lift/BJJ schedule.
I, too, tend to take about a week or so off maybe every 6-7 weeks. It's not gonna kill you to take a little time off. As said by many credible people on here, it is important to as you need time to recover.
And if you are addicted to working out, do 2 weeks of just bodyweightexercises every 6-8 weeks.
I have been working out for the last 2 years. Bench and shoulders one day a week, arms one day a week (weak workout's i know, correcting that). I have not took a break longer than a week, should i take a week or two off in your opinion. I do have problem's gaining.