How much should u bench for ur weight?

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Men's health claims the most weight the average person will bench in their lifetime is 180. Average most weight the average person will claim to have benched in the past after strugling to bench 180: 300 lbs:

"Damn, I'm out of shape! I used to bench 300. Maybe it's just an off day."
"maybe you're just a lying weak piece of shit."
"huh? what? no really, I used to-"
"who fucking cares?! Did I ask? do I want to know? Do I believe you? the answers are no. Look at me, I can't now, nor could I ever bench 300 and I can own up to that. You're weak and your bench is pathetic, time to deal with it and work at rectifying the situation"
" .... but I used to ben-"
"nobody cares"
"I'm not asking you to spot me any more."
"good call, cause next time you claim to bench almost twice as much as you do, I'm going to drop the bar on your neck"

I like these dialogues that take place in my head. they make me feel tougher.
I fucking hate these kind of threads about "the average man", there are no fucking average man! -feel cool swearing-..;) No but seriously there are to many factors. What are we talking about white westerners, are we including little asians and pygmes in it, are we talking people who are actually training, are we talking some form of average based on every man over 18 on this earth, so many questions, not a freaking good answer that comes out of it...
you should bench as much as your sport demands a strong bench
Sebastian said:
oh and decline benches with 225 30 times i think thats pretty good for me
ONe time, at band camp, I benched 225x500reps. It was alright for me.
I did 501 reps! What a bad day. Had the flu and everything. Luckily, I'm back to full strength, now.
I can bench about 45% of my bodyweight. I admit I've never worked on bench that much.
I don't really equate bench press to penis size though, so I don't mind being outlifted as much as I do in other exercises.
ive had this conversation:
"how much you bench?"
"fuck you"
rEmY said:
ive had this conversation:
"how much you bench?"
"fuck you"

You're my hero. Seriously, I laughed pretty hard imagining that.

And Urban's conversation was pretty beautiful, too.
Sebastian said:
oh and decline benches with 225 30 times i think thats pretty good for me
With a benchpress like that there's absolutely no need for a personality.
For the average gym lifter 1.5x BW is pretty decent, 2x BW is very good. Anything over that you should be competing in PL meets.
rEmY said:
ive had this conversation:
"how much you bench?"
"fuck you"

Now that's awesome! The only thing better would be to punch the asker in the nose.
I know one of the books I own has a chart in it showing the average bench presses for athletes in the same sport- usually football- at varying levels (High School, Div IIi, Div II, Div I, Div I star, Div I All-American).

But what most would be interested in here is for a chart like this concerning MMA and weight classes...but if that chart exists, I don't have it. I desperately want it.
I read somewhere (forget where) that only 1% of the entire world can bench their own bodyweight. Im pretty sure it was a Men's health.
BAS_FAN said:
I read somewhere (forget where) that only 1% of the entire world can bench their own bodyweight. Im pretty sure it was a Men's health.

I joined that 1% today after three months of lifting. It was my goal for the year.

Most of the regular guys I know probably couldn't bench their own bodyweight.

Urban's conversation was pretty funny. I've had some pretty moon-tripping conversations at the gym. I shared the bench with a bunch of Japanese guys who I met for the first time today. We got to talking and one of them decides that my nickname is now "Johnson" which bizarrely seemed to be everyone else's nickname too. My Japanese is alright but I get the feeling I completely missed the boat on that one...
desertbake said:
Nice response, I think I'll begin using it

its just because whenever somebody learns that i lift weights, that will invariably be the first question out of their mouth.
Madmick said:
I know one of the books I own has a chart in it showing the average bench presses for athletes in the same sport- usually football- at varying levels (High School, Div IIi, Div II, Div I, Div I star, Div I All-American).

But what most would be interested in here is for a chart like this concerning MMA and weight classes...but if that chart exists, I don't have it. I desperately want it.
Madmick, if you get a chance can you post the numbers for the different Divisions. I would be interested in seeing the disparity in the athletes' numbers. Thanks!!!
rickdog said:
I'm senseing a thread locking coming up. Am i right?

this topic is forbidden. id like to credit myself with suggesting it be forbidden long ago when urban was asking for input on awful topics.
Oh yeah, well I guess it's run its course. I said to bench more than you did last week, that's the right answer, and thre was some humor here and there. It's been a good thread and it's time to end on a high note.
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